How to be a bigot

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It had only been a couple of weeks, but I felt lonely. The teachers were kind and meant well, but the age gap left little for friendship. I didn't feel comfortable making friends with the students. I am working here. It wouldn't be appropriate. I think. Anyways, I had nobody here. My life was in New York. I had yet to leave the castle.

It felt like a breath of fresh air to be helping with the Hogsmeade trip. I stood next to Mcgonagall, bouncing a little in the cold air. "Professor McGonagall, Miss L/N," Our eyes simultaneously find Lily and Alice, along with a girl I had yet to meet, "We were just thinking, maybe we could give Miss L/N a tour? I understand she is new to the area."

"Oh, that's alright-" I start, reddening at the kind thought.

McGonagall interrupted, "I think that's a fine idea." She says, nodding me along.

As soon as we were out of earshot, the first thing the other girl said to me was, "You're hot."

My eyes grow slightly, left speechless, "Marlene!" Lily exclaims, swatting at her, "she isn't just another student!"

"What?! She is practically our age!" She scoffs, before smirking, "aw, shove it! She knows it's true."

Lily shakes her head and smiles at Alice, "anyways, we figured we'd show you the best places in Hogsmeade." She smiles.

"And keep James away from you since he won't shut up," Marlene began, but Lily elbowed her. And James is popping up in conversation once again.

I furrow my eyebrows, "what?"

"Oh!" Alice links her arm with mine, "here's Honeydukes," she smiles, tugging me inside the sweet-smelling shop.

Unexpectedly, I left the shop giddy, "I loved that. We don't have such classic-looking shops, I don't know, and oh my goodness, this chocolate tastes so good." I rant unintentionally.

The other girls laugh, "just wait until we get to The Three Broomsticks." Lily grins.

As we entered the crowded inn, James tried to wave us over to them, but the girls turned in the opposite direction and sat down. The idea failed to work as the four boys joined the table. James took the only seat left, next to me. "James, we did not invite you," Lily began, seeming marginally frustrated.

Sirius flicked his head up at Marlene, who surprisingly stood. She took her seat back in his lap, and when he tried to sneak an arm around her waist, she flatly stated, "no," and his arm dropped.

I returned my eyes to Lily, tuning back into their small argument, "James, how is it you still find ways to bug me?" She rolls her eyes. I watch the flutter of her lashes and find myself a bit amused.

"I haven't even done anything yet," He complains, and I see him glance at me, "I just thought we could all sit together as friends." His smile seems slightly fake.

She shakes her head, eyes narrowing, "Sure you do."

They begin bickering back and forth, causing me to raise an eyebrow. Sirius must have noticed, "they have always been like this."

"Actually, they've improved." Alice inserted quietly.

Remus knelt and began whispering in my ear, "they dated back in the fifth year," my mouth parts, finally understanding, "instead of bringing them together romantically, it made them closer as friends."

"They are actually quite close," Peter added with a quiet, hesitant voice.


"It is always the same students," McGonagall tsks as she looks over the list.

"Why don't you go along? I'll find them." I smile, holding my hand out for the clipboard.

McGonagall seems unsure, "I don't know, Miss L/N, these children can be tough to deal with."

I wave her off, "I've got this." I answer, squaring my shoulders.

I begin trekking through Hogsmeade, searching for the five students yet to return to the carriages. I see James and his friends on the list and a name I do not know.

"An American is an interesting choice," a drawl sounds from my right.

I jump slightly and turn to face the black-haired boy with Slytherin robes, "oh, you must be Severus Snape," I smile, "times up, the carriage is waiting."

"I don't take orders from some lowly American masquerading as a professor." He snaps, surprising me.

I clear my throat and stand a bit taller, "I am not doing anything like that. I am here to learn-"

He interrupts me with a scoff, "you don't belong here. You didn't attend Hogwarts. You know nothing about the people within it." He continues, sneering and even stepping forward, "I bet you are a disgusting mudblood too." I hadn't heard that word before, but it felt like ice as it was uttered.

I didn't know how to defend myself from a student. I didn't know what was allowed. Suddenly, Snape flew back a few feet. Subsequently, a hand takes mine, gently pulling me back. Shock clouded my mind, Snape's words still floating back and forth in front of me.

James and Sirius stepped forward, a wall against him. Someone stands next to me, and when I glance up, Remus has a gentle smile pointed toward me. On my other side, Peter stands slightly back with a polite nod.

"What have we said about messing with our friends?" Sirius says as they step closer to Snape, who clumsily pulls himself off the ground.

Snape curls his lip and narrows his eyes, "I don't take orders from Mudbloods and blood traitors." He replies with a look of distaste. "Especially some child from another country, trying to be a professor."

I jump a little when James grabs him by the collar of his shirt, "she is a teaching assistant, and you will respect that."

"She doesn't belong here." Snape grapples at James' hand, lip curling up.

James tightens his grip, shaking the shock away, "James, let him go." I say, but slightly lacking vehemence.

He roughly does, before passive aggressively dusting Snape's shirt off, "I hope this has improved your attitude."

Snape glares, "none of you belong here." He remarks, before slinking into the shadows.

James turns around, and again I am left speechless by the look on his face. His eyes are so soft, but always dance with a hint of mischief whenever I see him. My face screws up as I stop myself from thinking too far into things. "Are you okay, Miss?" He asks in a careful and gentle manner. With our eyes connected, I can only seem to manage a simple nod. "Let's head back, yeah?" I let them pull me gently along, remaining silent as the whole event had left me in a confused daze.

I had dealt with blood purists in America, a lot actually, but here it felt so close, so close to being on the brink of falling. So close to the real issue.

The other boys left us to return to the great hall for dinner. After, James turned to me. "Snape's an absolute git." He says, looking me over with concern in his eyes.

I finally looked back at him, "I'm fine, really," I assured him, "just a little surprised." I furrow my brows in uncertainty.

James nods and puts his hands in his pockets, "well, I think you belong here." He murmurs. Incidentally, I try to restrain the smile and relief it gives me.

"James," I mumble, something had been bothering me, "what is a mudblood?" I didn't even want to say it. I had a terrible, awful feeling about what it meant, and I couldn't take hearing it.

No-Maj-borns were seen with deep disgust in America, especially during and after Rappaport's Law. I got a lot of hate I didn't even understand. I guess that's why it hurt so much. I felt like a kid again being called names I didn't understand, but deep down knew.

His face grows angry and sad simultaneously, "I'm guessing you know." He murmurs and looks about, before stepping closer and leaning toward me, "a mudblood is someone amazing and ambitious. They come into a world knowing nothing and end up knowing more than those born into it. Some of the most powerful witches and wizards ever known."

I smile and tilt my head, "that was very profound."

He gives me a cheeky grin, "a direct quote from Remus."

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