Chapter 7 Asagi's Club

Start from the beginning

This Asagi has a unique sense of naming folder, he commented, half amused and half bitter. Most people would probably prefer to change the title Literature into Club if they were still in school. Also, it would be easier to remember a folder titled Student Council as a folder for student council activity compared to a folder titled SC. After all, SC could mean anything and did not necessarily have to be related to the student council.

"Well, the most important thing is I've found these folders," he said to himself as he decided to put his regret behind. Now that he had found his club activity files, he needed to search for his winter vacation assignment. He was sure the original Asagi had finished it because he also had finished all his homework. The original Asagi was diligent and dedicated, so the current Asagi trusted that he had finished his club assignment.

There was no file that had a name that could indicate them as his assignment, so he could only look for it by checking the date of the files. The newer the file, the higher the chance of it being his assignment. After sorting out the files, he managed to separate several files from the others. Those were the files that were made during winter vacation. Asagi opened them one by one, checking their contents. Seeing that all of the selected files consisted of one novel review, one movie review, and one short story, Asagi became more confident that those files were his assignment.

Asagi was a novelist, so reviews and stories were what he liked the most even when the author was still a newbie. That was why when he found his assignment, he became very excited. He wanted to know how good the original Asagi was. He wanted to know what kind of novel and movie the original Asagi had reviewed and what kind of story he had written. Without further ado, he began to read the documents only to feel slightly disappointed soon after he read the titles.

He never heard such titles before even though reviewing was his side job after being a novelist.

But it's okay. I can search it on the internet later, he comforted himself. He was in a different world, so it was only to be expected for the literary works here to be different from the ones in his own world. No matter. He could still roughly estimate the original Asagi's skill as a critic even without the knowledge of the works that he reviewed. Also, the short story should be his original work and idea, meaning Asagi should be able to properly assess the original's skill as a fiction writer.

Asagi chose to read the short story first before anything else. It was a story about a pair of orphan siblings who were separated due to adoption only to be reunited again years later in a traffic accident where the older one lost his life. The cause of the accident was drowsy driving by the younger one. It was such a tragic story filled with tears, guilt, and misery. The author was still young, but Asagi had to admit he really had a talent in story-telling.

Next, Asagi read the review for the novel and the film that he knew nothing about. There were several shortcomings, but for a high school student, the works could be said to be very good. Again, Asagi was impressed. His counterpart in this world was really talented! No wonder Yoshino said that he was the most sought-after critic in the school.

Since this is my assignment, I need to learn more about it, he thought once he was done being impressed. He feared that he had to bring it up in the discussion during the club meeting, so he decided to read the novel and watch the film. However, there was another problem. It was impossible for him to finish both the novel and the film today after he found out what kind of works they were. The novel was quite thick, more than 200 pages, while the film was actually a 2-hour movie. He might be able to finish watching the movie tonight, but he could not say the same for the novel. He needed more time.

"When is the club meeting?" he asked himself, rummaging the files in the club's folder, but there was nothing about the club schedule there. The website also did not mention the schedule. In the end, he was left with only a choice: ask the club president, the only club member he knew. He opened the contact list on his phone, looking for Yamamoto Sora's contact number. He found it under the name Club Yamamoto. Once he had found it, he immediately typed a chat, asking for the club schedule in a vague way to hide the fact that he did not even know their meeting schedule.

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