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Once a day passed in the magical world of Hamza and the Staircase. It was the year of 2000, when a young black boy was born in an ancient temple. “It’s a boy!” said one of the monks delivering the baby. The baby first opened his eyes to his new home. “Welcome to the Saiyan temple young one," said the baby’s dad. “Oh Jamal, doesn’t our little baby look so handsome," said Jacqueline. The baby appeared to have a deformed lower lip. Jamal responded, “Oh he really is dear.” The Monk who helped deliver the baby walked up to the parents. “So,” he pulled out a feather and ink, and the child’s birth certificate. “So.. Jamal, Jacqueline. What will be his name?” The two parents looked at each other, nodded, then looked at the monk. “Hamza Abdirahman,” they both said in unison. 


Hamza, wearing his monk attire, was practicing with his bo staff in the training grounds of the saiyan village. He struck the stone pillars surrounding him. His father walked around the pillars and yelled, “High block!” Hamza turned around and struck the pillar high with his bow. “Low block!” yelled Hamza’s dad. Hamza turned and hit a different pillar low with the staff.  “Halt!” Hamza stood in a dormant stance and walked towards his father. “Great work Hamza, you are destined to be an amazing Saiyan,” said Jamal, patting Hamza on his bald head. Hamza and his dad started to walk off the training grounds and into the village. Hamza’s dad spoke to Hamza, “Let’s go home son, your mother got you some of your favorite-.” “CHOCOLATE ICE-CREAM!” Hamza interrupted. Hamza’s dad chuckled, “Yes son.” Hamza was visually happy and jubilant. “Hello, Jamal, and Hamza!” yelled a villager on the streets. “Greetings!” yelled Jamal back. Eventually Hamza and his dad reached their small wooden house on the corner of the village. They walked through the door and Hamza’s mom turned around with a chocolate ice-cream cone. “How are my two favorite people doing?” said Hamza’s mom. Hamza’s mom gave Hamza the ice-cream and Jamal a kiss. “We got a nice training drill in for Hamza here,” said Jamal. “Awe, you're turning into such a big boy my little man,” said Hamza’s mom. Hamza licked his ice-cream and ran into his little room. Hamza started to solve easy math equations on a piece of paper in his room, while eating some of his chocolate ice-cream. His dad walked in, “Hamza let me know when you're done with your ice-cream, we have to… do something," said Jamal, before walking out of his room. Hamza ate his ice-cream whole and followed his dad. “Where are we going dad?” asked Hamza, while they both walked out the house. Jamal responded, “As we both know, Hamza, you recently turned eight.” Jamal paused for a second, “I think it’s time you got to see.. Outside our village.” Jamal had a burst of energy surrounding him and he picked up Hamza. He started to float off the ground, Hamza looked astonished. “Dad.. you- you can fly?” said Hamza while Jamal slowly lifted above the village walls. “Hamza, our village saiyans are a little more special than your average man," said Jamal. Hamza held tight as Hamza’s dad flew in loopty loops around the village. “WEEEEE!” yelled Hamza, Jamal chuckled. Jamal then said to Hamza, “Hey son, watch this.” Jamal then flew towards a mountain very fast. “DAD YOU’RE GONNA CRASH!” yelled Hamza. Jamal lifted his fist and broke straight through the solid rock mountain. Hamza opened his eyes seeing the mountain in crumbles and said, “Oh wow.. And I can do all this dad?” Jamal responded, “Well son, maybe not right now but with enough training and concentration you're certain to do great things.” Jamal landed on an open plains biome near the outside of the village walls. Hamza tried his best to form energy around him while his dad watched. “Come on Hamza feel is flowing through you, let it burst!” Hamza was straining his muscles as hard as he could. He felt an uplifting feeling inside him as energy formed around his body, pulsing in and out from around him. “YES YOU DID IT!” cheered his dad, standing up. “Ok, ok keep it steady son,” said Jamal, “Now I will teach you how to float, watch me son.” Jamal had a burst of energy go around himself and he slowly lifted into the air started with his heel, going to his toes. Hamza started to sweat and watched his dad and attempted to do the same. He lifted up slowly, no more than an inch above the grass below him. Jamal spoke quietly to himself, “I can’t believe it, eight years old and already forming energy and floating. You truly are going to be something very special, Hamza.” Hamza kept lifted into the air; he was about a foot up now. “Ok son you can land now,” said Jamal. He kept lifting into the air though, he had to be at least six feet up now. Jamal yelled now, “That’s too high Hamza, land now!” “I-I’m trying dad!” yelled Hamza back fifteen feet up now. Suddenly he stopped floating and plummeted towards the ground. Jamal landed on his knees and caught Hamza right before he hit the field. “Put more energy towards your feet to land and make sure you focus on Hamza,” said Jamal. “Sorry dad..,” said Hamza softly, looking down. “It’s ok son, first day and you flew fifteen feet in the air! I couldn’t be more happy,” said his dad, “Here son, let's go back home.” Hamza and his dad flew over the village walls and landed at the porch of their house. “Dad, did you see that! I flew all by myself to home!” said Hamza ecstatic. Jamal chuckled, “Yes son I did see.” “How’d it go Hamza,” said Jacqueline. “IT WAS AMAZING MOM, WE DID SO MUCH COOL SAIYAN STUFF AND I CHARGED AND FLEW AND DADDY EVEN BROKE THROUGH A MOUNTAIN.” yelled Hamza reenacting the various things they did. “Oh really? Daddy flew through a mountain," said Jacqueline, giving Jamal a concerning eyebrow raise. Jamal started to sweat a little and said, “Uh- It was only a little skim I promise dear,” They both laughed. Hamza went into his room practicing floating and landing. He did so over and over again. Happy about it each time he did it correctly. His dad came in the next day saying, “Come on son, let’s go train.” Hamza grabbed his staff from the corner of his small room and followed his dad. “Dad, can we fly there?” asked Hamza. Jamal responded, “No flying is prohibited inside village grounds, that’s why we train up past the village and in the stone temple.” They both walked, eventually reaching the temple. “Same drill?” asked Hamza. Jamal responded, “Actually no, we will be practicing channeling energy.” Hamza looked confused. “Here let me show you, son. So you have learned how to summon your great energy, now we are going to learn how to flow and control it. Here first summon your energy burst," said Jamal. Hamza did so in a matter of seconds. Jamal looked impressed, “Very good, now lift your arm.” Hamza obeyed. “Ok now really focus, Hamza, close your eyes.” Hamza took a deep breath and gently shut his eyes. “Now with that energy flow it down to your hand.” After a few minutes of struggling Hamza managed to put the energy to his hand, it started to glow. Then a small bright yellow and blue ball started to grow from Hamza’s palm. Jamal whispered to himself, “Dang he just learns this so fast.” Jamal spoke louder, “Ok great job son, now I want you to open your eyes.” Hamza, still focusing his energy, opened his eyes. “Now son, face the stone and completely let go of your energy,” said Jamal. “O-ok dad," said Hamza, turning towards the stacked stone. The moment he let go of his energy the ball shot out his hand and hit the stone and a small explosion went off. The stone was in crumbles. “YESSS YOU DID IT!” cheered Jamal, lifting Hamza into the air tossing him up and down. “YAYY,” Hamza cheered as well. “You are going to be a very extraordinary saiyan Hamza," said Jamal hugging Hamza tight. Jamal looked his son in the eyes smiling, “Here Hamza, let's do it again.” Hamza did it again and again, even practicing other ways to channel and disperse his energy. “Wow that- was a great drill," said Hamza out of breath. “Yeah. it really was.” replied Jamal. “It’s getting quite late though son, we should probably start heading home. “Ok dad,” Jamal held Hamza’s hand and they walked out the temple towards home. A villager walked up to Jamal, “Jamal you are one of our strongest in the village.” Jamal responded, “What is it, scout?” “I’ve been scouting the outside of the village a-and they are coming," said Scout. “Who’s coming exactly?” said Jamal. “I-It’s the mustache clan.” “N-No, not us," said Jamal with a shaky voice. “I'm afraid so Jamal," said Scout looking down sadly. “Scout, keep rounding up our village fighters,” said Jamal. “Yes sir,” said Scout, quickly running up to various other houses. “Dad, what’s the mustache clan?” asked Hamza. “Well son, It’s a large group of skilled raiders. It seems they are headed to raid our village now though.” replied Jamal. “Will we be okay dad?” asked Hamza. “Hopefully, but to be honest son, I’m not sure. For now I will take you home.” Hamza and Jamal ran to the house. “What’s the big rush guys,” said Jacqueline. “I have to go honey, The mustache clan is approaching," said Jamal. Jamal hugged his wife, then bent down to Hamza and put his hand on his shoulder, “In case something goes wrong son, retreat the village and please.. Never come back.” Hamza agreed and sat in his room. Jamal left the house quickly, Hamza looked out his window and saw his dad flying over the great wall of the village, alongside other saiyans. Hamza wanted to help, so he jumped out his window with his staff and flew over the wall. He looked and saw a huge army of mustached men approaching. One was clearly the leader, with a big black hat and a golden eyepatch covering one of his eyes. He was also at the front of the army. Jamal was at the head of the saiyans, there were only like 9-12 saiyans; and at least 101 mustache clan members. Hamza flew down landing at the back of the saiyans. “Oh saiyans, the primitive village in the year 2008. Seriously catch up with the times guys," said the leader. “Leave the plains now or we will have to ruin your little army,” said Jamal. “Do you not know who I am? I slaughtered thousands of men, women, and children. Threw babies into fire, killed pregnant mothers. Put nations and their armies into extinction. I am Captain black mustache, commander and founder of the mustache clan," said the leader. “Well I don’t think you know what we are either Captain stache.” responded Jamal. All the saiyans powered up their energy, including little Hamza. Captain spoke, “Heh, nice little trick, but now it’s my turn.” The leader lifted up his sleeves revealing two neon blue metal arms. “Hey boys, how about we show these monkeys technology," said the leader. All the mustache clan members pulled out various weapons and guns. The leader then jumped towards Jamal, Jamal formed his hands into an x block. Nearly avoiding the hit. The saiyans flew up into the air firing energy balls at the troops of the mustache clan below. The clan shot their guns at the Saiyans, knocking down two of them, into the crowd of the clan. The clan members ripped their bodies into shreds and kept firing. Jamal was holding his own against the leader punching and kicking him very skillfully. The leader spoke, “Alright enough games monkey.” The leader’s arms turned purple and glowed brightly. The leader then struck Jamal violently in the chest flying him back twenty feet. Slamming him against the village wall. Jamal turned and saw Hamza standing there, frozen. “SON GET OUT OF HERE!” yelled Jamal. The leader turned to face Hamza, “This pipsqueak is your son? No better torture then seeing your family die.” “I won’t let you hurt my dad,” said Hamza, energy bursted around him. “OH you're going to stop me?” said the leader, “Im shivering in my boots.” The leader was distracted by Hamza and didn’t see an incoming blast from Jamal. Jamal cupped his hands at his side and a blue ball swirled and formed inside. “Kamehame-HAAAA!” Jamal yelled, shooting the giant laser cannon of energy at the leader. It knocked him into the air, making him fall aggressively onto his back. “W-why you," said the leader. Hamza flew up and shot a ball at the leader. It hit his face and blew up on impact. “Nice hit son!” yelled Jamal. The troops turned and saw Hamza in the air. They shot bullets at him and hit Hamza in his shoulder pocket.  Hamza landed on the floor near his dad. “Ow.. d-daddy it hurts.," said Hamza. Yellow energy flowed around the aggravated Jamal. He leaned his son on the wall, “Stay here son, I will handle this.” Jamal flew straight at the now standing leader. The leader quickly snatched Jamal’s wrist and did a hulk type swing and smash attack on him. Slamming him against the dirt again and again. “NO! DAD!” yelled Hamza, crawling closer to the fight. The leader knew he was weak though and shouldn’t waste energy on Jamal. So he put Jamal into a tight choke hold. Jamal’s dad kicked and gasped for air, but none came. Hamza lifted his hand at the leader, focused and shot a ball of energy. It went closer and closer to the leader, but missed. “Son.. Run.," said Jamal, his eyes and nose starting to drip blood. Eventually Hamza flew away from the village looking back and seeing his dad’s lifeless body on the ground and the leader staring at him fly away. He kicked the body of Jamal, waving goodbye to Hamza. It started to rain and Hamza was far far away from his village. Hamza started to cry knowing he would never see his family again. “I-I couldn’t even shoot a bullet right.” Hamza has traveled away, and camped, and trained, flying from place to place saving people for the past year now. Until he heard screaming and crying from one town. “Hm, wonder what’s happening there.” Hamza thought.

Hamza and The Staircase: The Diet Water CrystalsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora