Prologue: That Shaking Feeling

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A few months before the beginning of Sonic Forces.....

Catherine sighed happily as the wind whipped her hair. She was sitting on the roof of one of Dr. Eggman's bases with her closest friend: Zero. The two had known each other for awhile now ever since Catherine joined the Jackal Squad. She would sometimes treat Zero as her sibling due to their close bond. Catherine didn't mind working for Eggman(well, help defending his bases that is)even though she sometimes found the doctor very annoying at some points. 

When it came to her special ability, Catherine was a bit of a tech head, and was very good at hacking. Long before Zero agreed to be on Eggman's side, Catherine would always hack into Eggman's computers and stop his machinery from working. That was something Zero always liked about her, and that's why he always called her his favorite when it came to the members of the Jackal Squad. He even liked the nickname she gave him: Infinite, because Catherine could imagine the infinite possibilities that the two could encounter.

Zero was sharping up his blade with a nearby stone he had found awhile back, getting it ready for the next attack. "Sharpening your blade again Infinite?" Catherine asked him. Zero looked at her and nodded. "Got to have it ready for the next attack. That is, if someone decides to raid one of the doctor's bases," Zero explained to her. Catherine laughed a little bit. If there was one thing she knew about Zero, it was that he was always battle ready. Catherine didn't have a weapon of her own, but was good at fighting physically, and Zero respected her for that. "You and your blade. Why don't we just have a normal talk together, you and me. You up for it?" she asked him. Laughing to himself, Zero placed his blade next to him before looking at Catherine. "Of course I am Cat," he replied. He always liked to call her Cat.

The two had a good talk for about a few minutes, but that ended when and explosion was heard from under their feet. "Wh-What?!" Catherine said standing up. Zero got up to his feet as well, and they both looked down to find the cause of the explosion. A black and red hedgehog was speeding though the terrain heading towards the base. Eggman's voice was heard over the intercom, calling the Jackal Squad down to the base. "Ready Cat?" Zero asked her with a smirk on his face. "Of course! Anything is possible with you Infinite!" Catherine explained happily. They both jumped down from the roof to join the others.

When the squad was together, the attack began. They were doing well, but then another explosion happened from inside. "Shadow the Hedgehog has just broken in! I repeat, Shadow the Hedgehog has just broken in!" yelled Eggman from the intercom. The squad entered the base after clearing the threats from the outside. The squad was soon face to face with the hedgehog. Catherine and Zero had both heard many stories about Shadow: how he was part alien due to having some DNA of a monster called Black Doom inside of him, having the power to use chaos control and other chaos abilities, and also having a super form of his own, just like the infamous Sonic the Hedgehog.

Shadow looked at the squad. One by one, the jackals all started going ham at Shadow, but he simply dodged all of their attacks. He leaped into the air and shouted, "CHAOS SPEAR!" As soon as he said that, golden spears appears around him, and launched them at all of the jackals, killing them instantly. Catherine managed to survive all of them, but then saw Shadow looking at her. Scared, she ran, and looked back at her beloved friend Zero as he and Shadow were engaged in a fierce battle. Tears were in her eyes. She wanted to save Zero, but she couldn't. She was too scared to get hurt. I'm sorry Infinite. I wish I could save you, but it's not the risk. I'll find you again, I know I will! Catherine thought as she continued to the exit.

Her thoughts ended when Shadow chaos controlled in front of her. He was about to use a chaos blast on her, but Catherine was able to deflect the attack. The two fought for awhile, but Catherine was then wounded by a single chaos spear from Shadow. She fell to the ground in pain. Shadow scoffed at her before zooming out of the base. Catherine was able to get back up on her feet and slowly walk out of the base. Her stomach was bleeding from where she was wounded. "Zero.... I'm-" were Catherine's last words before her vision blurred, and passed out.

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