Rae's Place (smut)

Start from the beginning

"But I... I don't know. I didn't mean it that way... I was just scared of losing you... And now I realize how manipulative that comes off...I'm sorry, Y/n"

Fuck. Why couldn't anything ever be easy

You feel a hole in your chest, missing any of the excitement or lust you had just been experiencing. Now you felt like nothing, invisible even. You needed a breather.

"Rae... I don't blame you, and I really like you too..."


"I think I should leave...I need time to think. I'll see you at the party tomorrow night"

She tears up a bit.

"Okay Y/n, goodbye..."

You walk to her doorway, opening it. You take one last look back and say:


You close the door behind you as you leave...

Rae Pov:

Rae is left to cry, alone. Why did she always have to fuck things up? Why couldn't she just be normal...

She sits down on her sofa, sinking into the cushion and begins to bawl her eyes out.

She had a bad track record with men. She tried her best to make things work, but nothing ever helped or she made things worse.

She always had good intentions, but ended up hurting in the end. Her last ex, he wasn't very kind to her...

She always tried to see the best in him, like how it used to be. But he made things difficult at every turn. She would surprise him with food in the morning, and he wouldn't eat it, or he would and would vigorously pick it apart, shit talking anything he could.

She would work out for him, hoping he'd notice. But he never did, and the sex was... Subpar. She never got to finish and occasionally had to fake her orgasm to make him happy, finishing herself off later.

Obviously this wasn't healthy, actually it was toxic. And it took a lot for her to end it, but he didn't try to fight for her love, he just left.

And ever since, Rae felt like she was unable to open up to anyone... Until Y/n came around. He was different. She didn't have to see the best in him because he made it apparent. He was a beacon of positivity and flattered her every chance he could.

Within the few days they knew each other, he made her feel more special than ex ever could...

But she had to fuck it up...

With tears in her eyes, she grabbed a blanket from beside her and laid down on her couch, falling asleep in her despair...

Y/n Pov:

You walk down the street, no Uber or car this time. But that's okay. You booked a hotel down the road on your phone, so the walk wasn't very long.

You're nearing the hotel and walk through a crowded sidewalk. Turns out it was near a club.

"Omg, Y/n??!"

You quickly turn to see a fan had noticed you. She couldn't be any older than 20, wearing a short dress that was very, very revealing.

"Hi" you mutter, noticably shaken up.

"Can I get a photo?"

"Of course" you answer.

And after snapping a photo with her, the crowd joins in as well. Most if not all of them didn't know who you were, but having a photo with someone of any importance was gold in this city.

You made way through the crowd, 1 by 1. About half way through, the original fan slips you a paper and motions for you to call her sometime.

And as she walks away, your eyes drift down and notice her ass swaying. You couldn't help but appreciate how sexy she really was...

You finish up taking photos and walk into the hotel lounge. You slip the note out of your pocket to give it a read. It says:

"Hey, noticed you weren't looking very happy tonight. Guessing you got a room In the hotel too? The clubs too boring tonight, so can you keep me company? I can make you feel much, much better baby. Room 108. Come get me ;)"

She was hot as fuck, and you did just get blue balled. Also it wouldn't hurt to get your mind off things.

You decide to check in and settle into your room before doing so. It was actually really nice, but it better be for the price it cost you.

You sit at the end of your bed, imagining yourself sleeping with the young woman. This drives you mad, lust overtaking you once again.

You walk through the hotel corridor and up to her room, just a floor above. You near her door and go up to knock, but pull away at the last second...

But it opens anyways as you walk away.

"Oh uh... Sorry, I..."

"Y/n? It's okay if you don't wanna...you know"

Good, cause the whole power dynamic there was a bit problematic.

"Yeah....Yeah, yeah totally. It wouldn't be right sleeping with a fan anyways..."

"A fan?"

Fuck. Were you supposed to have recognized her?

You give her a long look, up and down. And then it hit you.

"Wait, Hyoon?"

"Yeah dummy... I just wanted a picture"

Fuck, she wasn't a fan. She definitely had more followers than you, and wasn't 20 either, even though she looked young for her age.

So... There's nothing morally incorrect now...

"Offer still stand...?"


You approach her, leaning in slowly, but that's not exactly her style. She pushes her lips on yours and you push your body through the doorway of her hotel room, bringing her along with you...

Next chapter is gonna be spicy! Patrons see it early!!

(Sorry for selling out. College is expensive 🖤)


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