Hardships and Apple Pie

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December 31st, 2020:

New Year's day came not soon enough. The world was still finding it's footing and trying to come back from the year that changed everything.

People tried to rationalize that 2021 would be a comeback year, yet you had little hope. It didn't seem likely that our issues would just so easily fade away into obscurity.

You found yourself alone on this day. You meant to reach out to some old friends but didn't have the energy for any reunions. So while your mother was out with family, you stayed home alone to watch the ball drop (ayo) on your own. It almost felt suiting of sorts. The year hadn't been all too kind to you, so why should it end in that way? You were alone…living with your mother…eating apple pie on New Years Eve.

No matter the justification for your lonesome, that was all it was…. Lonesome. You had a girlfriend in college. You got very attached quite quickly. You loved her and made sure she knew any chance you got to tell her. To you, she was beauty, she was grace… for about 16 months….

You came home to her sleeping with your best friend. And that was the last time you opened yourself up for love…

Now you were pouring a glass of wine at 11:30 pm whilst waiting for the brand new year to come. What a fucking joke. The minutes tick by and you find yourself alone with just your thoughts. It is then that you make the decision you would start 2021 by going back to work. You'd have to work around the virus, but anything would be better than doing nothing all Goddamn day.

Tick tick tick

The sound of an old grandfather clock echoed through the living room. You shoot your gaze up to the old television and watch as the crowd chants in unison.


Happy New Year!!

It feels as if a weight was lifted from your shoulders. You still had your doubts that 2021 would bring anything but negativity, but the fact that the year was finally over… you felt like you weren't being held back anymore. Coincidentally, you get a notification from Twitter just after the New Year begins. An announcement from 100Thieves that felt all too perfect…. You hadn't even notice that your apple pie had fallen to the floor.

What should you say? Should you even respond at all...

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