Grom Royalty

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Halu shook me awake and threw me out of her house and into the snow

"Hurry up and get to school your gonna be late!"-Halu

"You could've just told me to get up normally you know!"-Y/n

"You deserve more than just being thrown after that fight you pulled with Eda!"-Halu

Halu shut the door and threw my scarf with me so I went and grabbed Arrax who had started sleeping next the house

"Arrax bring me to Hexside."-Y/n

Arrax got a running start before flying into the sky and taking me straight to Hexside although he did stop a few times to eat a couple people but we made it to our destination

I jumped off Arrax and entered school grounds safely although Arrax still waited a second before flying off back home

Once inside I was met by Luz Willow and Gus who were all together

"Hi Y/n what have you been up to?"-Luz

"Nothing lately there's no missions to go on or anything to do besides be here."-Y/n

"Well yoir in for a treat tonight!"-Willow

"Why's that?"-Y/n

"It's grom night!"-Gus

"Oh you guy's have your own version of prom here?"-Luz

"Cool name."-Y/n

Luz turned around at the worst possible time and bumped into Amity making them both fall over

"Ugh watch it nitwit!"-Amity

"Hey Amity."-Luz

"Oh hi Luz."-Amity

Luz pulled up Amity just as principal Bump came on the school intercom

"Well folks here's what you've all been waiting for! This years grom queen is....Amity Blight!"-Bump

Everyone looked over at Amity and began whispering to each other while Luz cheered her on

"Why's it such a big deal?"-Y/n

"You two wouldn't understand!"-Amity

Amity ran off with a sad look on her face and Luz went after her leaving me alone with Gus and Willow

"Hey Y/n since it's grom night later do you wanna come shopping with us for if your going that is."-Willow

"I mean sure Belos doesn't have anything going on right now so I'll come."-Y/n

"Perfect. Now if you would..."-Gus

"I'm not signing your forehead again Gus!"-Y/n

The three of us left school and headed into town with Gus and Willow leading me around various stores

We eventually found another store that was bigger than most of the others with a sign I couldn't read but we decided to go in

The store has all kinds of cheap but good looking fancy type clothing and while Gus and Willow were looking around I found an excellent suit or at least it looked good

I decided I would take the suit a pair of latex gloves and a coat to go with it and once I was done looking I found Willow and Gus and by passive aggressively threatening the cashier we left the store without spending any snails

"Alright guy's I'm gonna head home and try on my new stuff."-Willow

"Me too and Y/n I'll get that forehead day"-Gus

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