𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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A/N: Hi there my love! This story takes place during the events of DBH :) mwah ily <3

No - no, no, no, no.

               "You have got to me kidding me,"

That was the first thing I ever said to him. The first thought that crossed my mind as I stood there, my mouth gaping open as I widened my eyes at what was in front of me -

An android.

He was tall - taller than me. The way he stood there, so...peacefully. His arms by his side, his brown hair perfectly in place, those hazel eyes staring at me and the way the corners of his mouth were raised. He was smiling, smiling at me. Yet I had just dismissed his presence with the first glance I had given him.

To be working with an android...when what I signed up for was to be stopping deviants of all things, it just didn't make sense. I was against them...now I had to sit and watch one practically do the job that I signed up for?! This was by far the last thing I was expecting.

Sure -  I could handle a crime scene, the fresh warm blood smeared across the floor, the metallic tang of the blood in the air and that thick smell of the antiseptic as everyone tries to scramble what's left of the surviving victims...

...because of deviants....no androids people around me were dying...because of their sense of believing that they had a sense of freedom.

"Y/N - we've been over this before in the briefing - there is nothing I can do. You are either working with him or you are out of this job," Those words snapped me out of my trance as I found myself staring back at the same emotionless android in front of me.

"But Lt - " Before I could say anything I was interrupted again.

"That's enough Y/N you are either in this or out, no expectations," He snapped, crosses his arms and tapping his foot as if he was waiting for me to do something.

Oh right.

Introductions...where were my manners? I still had to introduce myself to this android if he was going to be working alongside me to stop deviants. I turned and faced him still avoiding eye contact.

"I'm Detective L/N but you can call me Y/N," I rolled my eyes waiting for the stupid metal bot to say something back. He didn't at first, his eyes just trailed up and down me, as if he was examining me...the way his light went from blue to yellow..

"Detective L/N," There it was...he spoke, his voice was oddly - comforting? In a sense? The way he said my name perfectly. No mispronunciation...it was just perfect. "It's a pleasure to be working with you," He smiled at me once again extending his hand out towards me.

I looked down at his hand and dismissed it, "The pleasure is all mine," my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Then why don't you look happy to be working with me, if I may ask?" He said raising an eyebrow at me.

I tilted my head at him, "What?"

"You said 'the pleasure is all mine,' yet you don't seem happy to be working alongside me. I can tell by the tone of your voice and the way you haven't stopped frowning since you laid eyes on me,"

"You don't understand sarcasm - ?"

"Sarcasm Detective L/N?" He repeated my statement. "I can't say I do understand it,".

Of course androids don't understand sarcasm, they are just robots at the end of the day programmed and designed to do tasks. So why would they be able to understand a sarcastic joke that I made? So why did a small part of me feel bad for replying like that?

"How do you not -" Before I could finish however I stopped myself. "What I meant to say was is I do not want to work with an android but it's not like I have much choice."

Again, he didn't say anything. He just stared at me. No blinking, no change of his facial expressions...just a blank look of simply...nothing.

Then, he spoke.



"My name is Connor,"

"Connor," I repeated looking at the number on his jacket. "RK800...huh you're one of the new ones aren't you? Fun."

"I look forward to seeing you tomorrow," Connor said smiling at me before I walked out the front door.

I didn't even reply, I barely even looked back. Just a simple wave of the hand before I was out that front door. Yet a small part of me wishes I had said something, anything. If I could go back to that moment I guess a  'thank you' would have been nice.

Or a 'sorry I couldn't save you,'.

'I wish I had told you I loved you,' would have been impossible.

I'm Choosing You, Always: DBHWhere stories live. Discover now