Chapter Twenty-Two A Chance to say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

Rest. Apply new ointment. Said Lan Zhan gently as he held Hua Ying in his arms

It's fine Lan Zhan, it hurts because it is still tender said Hua Ying

Sit. Commanded Lan Zhan

But the movement of getting on the donkey is too big. Pouted Hua Ying.

Just then little apple kneeled as Lan Zhan helped Hua Ying onto the little apple who then gently stood up. Lan Zhan then took little apple by the reins. Hua Ying smiled brightly as he remembered the memory of his Phoenix mother and mortal father just like this.

What? Asked Lan Zhan

It's Nothing. Said Hua Ying, just a sweet memory

Lan Zhan, pick up the rein, won't you? Asked Hua Ying

Why? Asked Lan Zhan

Little Apple was quite clever. Give me some face and pick it up, won't you? Asked Hua Ying as his smile got brighter

Although he still didn't understand why Hua Ying's grin was so bright, Lan Zhan listened and picked up Little Apple's rein anyway, holding it in his hand.

Hm. Now all that's left is a little one. Said Hua Ying as he rubbed his abdomen

What? Asked Lan Zhan

Lan Zhan? Would you like to be a father one day? What I mean to say is have your own blood little one asked Hua Ying

Yes, replied Lan Zhan

If I told you that it was possible? Asked Hua Ying

Let's sort this out first before we think of it replied Lan Zhan

With this journey to Yiling, it was clear that their future was still unclear, even somewhat dangerous. Hua Ying couldn't get himself to feel nervous at all. Sitting on a donkey with Lan Zhan holding the rein, leading them down the path, his entire heart was fluttering, feeling as though he was walking on air. Even if a bunch of sects suddenly attacked from beside the road, aside from destroying the scene and spoiling his mood, he thought that he wouldn't find it too bad. He even had the spirit to enjoy the fields under the moonlight, pulling out the bamboo flute at his waist. As natural as ever, he played a tune.

The flute had a limpid timbre. Lan Zhan's footsteps hesitated slightly as Hua Ying felt something inside of him suddenly light up.

Lan Zhan! Let me ask you, back then, under the Xuanwu cave in Dusk-Creek Mountain, the song that you sang me, what was its name? Asked Hua Ying

Why do you suddenly remember to ask about this? Asked Lan Zhan

Because this was the tune I had played when you recognized me in dafan mountain, it is also the only memory I have that is black, I remembered asking you to sing for me, it was this tune right? What's its name? asked Hua Ying

Lan Zhan refused to say anything. He silently stared straight ahead.

Who composed it? Asked Hua Ying

I did. Said Lan Zhan

Have you ever played it for anyone else? asked Hua Ying

No, never. Just you replied Lan Zhan

Then... really.... what is it called? Asked Hua Ying as he laid on little apples back and placed his head on the donkey's neck

What do you think? Asked Lan Zhan

What do you mean what do I think? Just... does it have a name or not? Asked Hua Ying

It does said Lan Zhan

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