Chapter Eighteen Secrets revealed

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Returning to the garden, Hua Ying did not go in to where everyone else was. He sat on the steps thinking of what Nie Huaisang had said.

"it's impossible for Mingjue to forget but from the cut wound it severed the incantation. Meaning that with Qi diviation his mind became unstable, forgetting everything. It's a possibility. Would explain why he forgot about everything important, looks like it works the same as the taint that was in my mind"

As Hua Ying was lost in his thoughts, he jumped as a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Lan Zhan, sorry I needed to be alone and gather my thoughts said Hua Ying

Thinking of Sect leader Nie? asked Lan Zhan

It should not have happened, he was supposed to live a full life, Lan Zhan did you notice any similarities between A-Ning and Mingjue asked Hua Ying

Mn replied Lan Zhan, his is weaker than Wen Ning's though

I have a suspicion, whoever did this tried to turn him into another A-Ning but with Mingjue he hated that person with so much passion that the seal would not take and turn said Hua Ying, I need to find it and destroy it.

Lan Zhan wrapped his arm around Hua Ying and bought him close, will this be like the other two times? Asked Lan Zhan

Other two times? Asked Hua Ying

What I mean is when you disappear, and I cannot find you said Lan Zhan

I do not know what tomorrow holds Lan Zhan so I cannot answer you. If that ever happens ask A-Sang or father. They will always know where I am said Hua Ying as he laid his head on Lan Zhan's shoulder. I still have the binding spell on me as well so if I am ever somewhere you can reach, I know you will follow.

How is it that they know, and I do not? asked Lan Zhan

Back in cloud recesses when Wen Xu attacked, you did something idiotic, you sealed your memories, everything was forgotten. That is why I cannot stay here, to be held by you one day and spurned the next, I along with my family carry the memories, you don't even remember half of what happened that night either said Hua Ying as he gazed up at the stars

Will I ever remember? asked Lan Zhan

Yes, one day. It's like you said make the world safe before the truth can be revealed. Because of the Yin Iron the world wasn't safe, then because of the seal the world wasn't safe now because of a piece remade the world isn't safe, guess I realize now what my father went through before he was able to meet and love my mother. Better to be afar than near and hurt replied Hua Ying

Did you mean what you said back then to Nie Huaisang? Asked Lan Zhan

Which time are you referring to? Asked Hua Ying

All those times before you died said Lan Zhan

You mean when I either wanted to end my life or sleep or when I said that if neither of you saw me that night when I killed that whore, I would have never shown myself until the war or that it is better to love from afar than be hurt when nearby. All those times? asked Hua Ying

Then yes even now if neither of you were in Mo village, I still would've taken A-Yu and left, if you hadn't insisted and bound me in Defan mountain I would've left. Lan Zhan from the moment you sealed your memories every time for me was like drinking poison and every time it hurt because I had wished to see the Lan Zhan that I knew and all I got was a cold, distant mountain.

I am sorry to have hurt you, back then I knew what I wanted but I couldn't speak, I feared you never felt the same said Lan Zhan

Did you not realize then back at phoenix Mountain? asked Hua Ying

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