Jacob wolf came over to Tessa since she was going to stay with Jake during the training so Sam could concentrate on the training. Sam helped Tessa on to Jake's wolf back.

"You watch over her Jacob." Sam tells Jake who huffs and nods in response.

"Everyone ready?" Tessa says with authority.

The pack howls and they run to the meeting grounds. The Cullens and Bella stood there waiting for the wolves to appear.

Sam arrived first with Jake and Tessa in tow. The pack followed in a protective manner and the Cullens greeted them.

The training will going well, Bella tried go edge close to Jake who growled everytime.

"Edward I suggest you make her back off before I make her." Tessa spoke with clear authority.

Edward nodded," I apologise for her behaviour." He tells her with a slight bow.

"But I want to touch my Jake!" Bella whines out.

"Tough he isn't yours and he clearly doesn't want you near him." Tessa says.

"Shut up you scarred blind bitch!" Bella snaps.

Tessa climbs down with Jasper help.

"Thanks" Tessa says.

"Oh look she pregnant slut!" Bella comments

Making Tessa pause and think of her sexual abuse when she was just thirteen years old. Edward eyes widened at this and Jasper felt her anger.

Tessa took of her gear and rand full pelt at Bella roundhouse kicked her to the ground. Sam shifted back as did Jacob and got Tessa off Bella.

"Don't you ever call me a slut! You don't know the abuse I went through! The sexual abuse, the mental abuse and more! So don't you ever! Think your better than me! I'll kill you!" Tessa shouts as she batters Bella up so more.

Rosalie ran over and hugged Tessa who tensed at first but relaxed into the hug.

"I went through what you did and died." Rosalie told Tessa who hugged Rose tightly.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Tessa says with a small smile.

Sam pulled Tessa into his chest and sent a glare to Bella.

"If that is all for the training, we'll be heading back." Sam says looking at the Cullens who all nod.

The pack head back and Jacob shifted back and Sam helped Tessa up with Jasper's help. Sam gave his thanks to Jasper before shifting back himself.

Jake and Tessa were both on their way back when Tessa spotted a girl no older than fourteen years old wondering the woods. Tessa tapped Jake and pointed in the direction of the girl.

"Hello? My name Tessa why are you wondering the woods?" Tessa spoke with a calm but authoritive voice.

"Hello My name is Bree tanner and I'm a hybrid but I'm not dangerous." She said in a scared tone.

"Jake shift back." Tessa says as she got off him.

Jake shifted back.

"She doesn't smell like a vampire and she smells more human than hybrid." Jake commented.

"Come with us, it's alright no one will harm you." Tessa takes Bree's hand and they go to the pack home.

The pack were out of wolf form and waiting for Tessa and Jake. They noticed Bree with them and growled.

"Woah woah, she isn't like them, she more human than anything else." Tessa says with authority.

Sam smelt Bree and looked up.

"She's right, what's your diet?" Sam asked.

"Animal blood and I haven't eaten food yet as been wondering the woods for weeks on end." Bree spoke in a timid tone of voice.

"Well come on in we're about to eat and you can meet my kids and baby sister." Tessa says pulling Bree into a hug.

"She is pack protected now,so play nice all of you." Tessa and Sam say at the same time.

They lead Bree in and Marley comes running over.

"Hi I'm Marley, Tessa sister." Marley introduced herself.

"I'm Bree tanner." Bree says with a smile.

"I'm Scott."

"I'm Arthur."

"I'm Valka."

The children introduced themselves.

Colin and Brady came over and Brady imprints on Bree Tanner.

Tessa gives Bree the first lot of food and she eats it all up.

"This is awesome!" Bree shouts.

"Can I live here?" She asked.

"Yeah, we'll take you in and our only rule is no blood drinking here so hunting outside and only animals." Tessa says.

"I don't need blood to survive to be honest as I mainly killed and ate the animal." Bree shrugs as she ate. " never had a thirst for it, that's why I ran from the redhead as she was forcing me and I didn't want to do anything like that." Bree told Tessa who nods in understanding.

"Well you have a home now with us and you are pack protected because Brady over there has imprinted on you. That's means he'll be your friend,brother or lover which ever you decide he'll be." Tessa informs Bree who looks shocked.

"You imprinted on me?" Bree asked Brady who nods.

"Wow, I want to see your wolf!" Bree says excited.

Brady goes outside and shifts. Bree goes outside and began to make her way to the wolf who trots over and nudges her playfully.

Brady wolf form

The pack was due to go back for training tomorrow morning and this time tessa was staying behind to be with Bree and the children. Jacob was staying behind aswell as Seth Quil and the two young boys.
Chapter ten is done, Bree made an appearance and Tessa and the pack have adopted her as one as their own.


The battle is next so who excited for it?

Who expected Bree and Brady to imprint on one another?

Bella does still get dumped as I'm adding another female who actually does the smart thing like Bree and ran away from the battle and actually goes to the Cullens house and waits for them.

Who looking forward to this?

Who excited for Thalia and Lexa to arrive and Seth and Jacob imprinting on them?

Finding love in an unfamiliar home- Sam Uley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now