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Tessa was six months gone almost seven due to the shifter gene the twins now possess her pregnancy has sped up rapidly and Sam has announced their pregnancy to the pack and the children.

Scott,Arthur and Valka were excited for their twins sisters to arrived. Sam and Tessa have Chosen to name them Thalia Grace Uley and Lexa Charlie Uley. Marley was excited to be an aunt one more time.

The pack have been full on protective of Tessa now but Seth and Jacob both are by her side when Sam is on patrol.

The phone rang and Tessa answered it and heard a familiar Cullen voice.

"Hello this is Carlisle Cullen may I speak with Sam Uley or Marcus Uley?" He asked politely.

"This is Tessa Mccall the pack Embassy and Luna can I help?" Tessa says with authority.

"We need the pack assistance with a newborn army that threatens Forks and the reservation. Will you and the pack help?" Carlisle asked politely.

"I will have to speak with my fiancé and his brother and we will get back with you Dr Cullen thank you and goodbye for now." Tessa says before hanging up.

Paul was stood next to Tessa.

"Paul gather the pack and send someone to find Sam and Marcus immediately we need to have a pack meeting about that phone call now go!" Tessa tells him with authority.

Paul nods and heads out to gather everyone.

"Marley, you and the kids stay in the living room and no leaving this house without a wolf is that understood?" Tessa says with a motherly tone.

"Yes Tessa." Marley says with a nod.

The pack all file in and Sam walks over to Tessa who is struggling to stay standing so she sitting on the bar stool.

"What's up Tessa?" Sam asked.

"Dr Cullen phoned asking for our assistance with a newborn army. I said we'd discuss it first." Tessa informs everyone.

Leah, Harley, Jared,Paul, Embry, Quil and Marcus stood with their imprints as Jake and Seth stood near Tessa.

"So should we assist them? As this army could end up on our lands and attack our people." Tessa asked the pack but mainly Sam and Marcus since this was their decision.

"We help but for the tribe sake and the people of Forks." Marcus says with Sam approval.

"Phone them back Sam and tell them we agree to help on the conditions it's for the tribe benefit not theirs or hers." Tessa says tiredly.

Sam nods and kisses the top of Tessa's head before heading over to the phone to inform the Cullens and he come back with new information.

"We train one week tomorrow." Sam informs the pack.

Everyone nods and Tessa gets up.

"I'll go with you all for the training. I'll ride with Jacob as you need to concentrate on the training." Tessa tells Sam.

Sam was about to argue when he saw the serious look on her face.

"If you was about say your nearly six months pregnant with twins I'll will kick your arse pregnant or not." Tessa says with a smirk.

"I wasn't, I was going to say that Bella going to be there so be prepared for her staring and glaring." Sam says.

"I am, plus she will have to leave if they want our help." Tessa says with a smirk.

A week later everyone got ready for the training and Seth,Colin,Brady and Quil stayed behind to watch over the imprints whilst the pack and Tessa go to the training with the Cullens.

Finding love in an unfamiliar home- Sam Uley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now