🐉Unexpected shifters🐉

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The pack had settled down and Tessa had moved into Sam home and Emily and Marcus took over Tessa old home so they could have their own place to themselves instead of sharing with Emily parents.

The restraining order was still in place and Bella had found out about the pack thanks Jacob! Big gob! But she never came around Sam home as Tessa made it clear to Jacob just because she knows doesn't mean she welcome.

"Right I'm doing family style pasta everyone good with that?" Tessa asked the pack.

"Moom!" Scott says," Yes?" Tessa looks to her son who had his blue beanie on," Can we have garlic bread with it?" Scott asked with a smile." Yeah of course ask everyone else if they want garlic bread and I'll do a family size one." Tessa says with a smile.

Scott ran off to ask everyone, Two howls ran out that wasn't the pack howls. Sam and Marcus looked to Embry,Harley,Jacob,Paul and Jared and they all headed out to see who shifted.

"I guess this is gonna to have to wait till everyone back otherwise we ended up with overcooked pasta." Tessa chuckled to Emily who nodded in agreement.

Sam came back with a shocked face.
"Sam? Who shifted?" Tessa asked.

"Leah and Seth Clearwater did!" Sam says with a shocked face.

"Are they still in wolf form?" Tessa asked.

Sam nods.

Tessa heads out with Scott in tow and Sam.

"Leah! SETH! Come out it's Tessa Mccall and Scott." Tessa calls the two wolves out and they appear.

"Leah?" Tessa asked the white and black wolf

Leah looks up and locks eyes with Scott and whimpers.

"Leah you won't hurt him come. You can meet him, Scott come to me and put your hand out." Tessa says.

Scott edges forwards and Leah moves forward and allows Scott to fuss her.

"Here are some clothes Leah go and get changed and I'll explain everything to you." Tessa says softly to Leah who huffs in response.

Leah turns around and comes back out in human form. Scott runs and jumps into Leah's arm and she smiles for the first time.

"He is your imprint and its a brother and sister relationship for now. Most of us have a siblings relationship or and lovers relationship."Tessa explains.

Leah nods in understanding and heads in with Scott.

"Seth!! Come out buddy!" Tessa shouts for the sandy wolf to come out.

Seth comes trotting over to Tessa who whimpers at her face.

"I know but I'll explain everything to you. But you need to got and shift back into human form and put these on." Tessa says softly and seth takes the shorts and leaves.

Seth comes bouncing out and runs into Tessa arms.

"Hey buddy, so let's head in and I'll tell you everything. Come on I'm still cooking pasta so let's eat then have a serious talk with everyone." Tessa says taking seth by the hand.

Tessa does the family meal pasta and garlic bread. The pack let the kids eat and imprints eat first then dug into their meal.

"So Leah, Seth, I'm Sam imprint and he is alpha, Marcus and Emily are imprints and his is co alpha with Sam but is stepping down. Embry and my daughter Valka are imprints, Paul and Marley are imprints, Harley and Arthur are imprints and now Leah you are Scott's imprint. Jared has an imprint she not around today." Tess calmly explains to the new wolves.

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