Shivering, she stopped and sighed hoping this wall would tell her more. She examined the area for the rest of the hour but here too all the former frescos were gone entirely. As the writer of the message had predicted the high priest of the temple had met with her and given no answers; just the same excuses that had met her ears in Pedasus. If her dream was ever to be deciphered this could be her only chance.

Feeling defeated she wound her way out of the depths of the temple. As she came to her room her footsteps slowed. There was a trim figure cloaked in a robe outside her door. By their stature alone it was plain the stranger was not one of her guards. When she left on her search one of them was waiting in that spot for her to return. Too late to turn back as the light of her torch was an omen of her coming, her hand went to the dagger on her waist and she stopped opposite him on the other side of the hall.

"Who are you and where have you placed my guard?"

"Princess of the Black Sun, I mean you no harm. My master sent me to bring you to the grove. Your guards have been given a sleeping potion with their evening wine. They won't wake before morning." The man uncovered his head to reveal the aide that had been at Lagus side almost every time she'd seen the man. "Lady Celine is waiting for us at the stables. You must leave the torch behind; if the high priest spots us leaving he'll send spies to report back and that will cost my master his life."

"The head priest would kill Lagus for speaking with me?" She doused the light using the basin of water under the brazier and by touch replaced the torch in it. The lack of light rendered the night so black that until her eyes adjusted she wouldn't see anything.

"For revealing information that those old enough to remember have been sworn to silence by none other than your father. I must blindfold you. Please forgive me but the mark of heaven is too easily seen in your eyes."

"You may." She closed her eyes and felt the cloth go over them.

"The faster course will be for me to carry you."

"Very well." She felt her feet leave the floor as he gathered her in his arms. Though Briseis detected no falsehood in the man, she kept her hand on her dagger and summoned her owls who had taken rest in the tree outside her room. She watched from their eyes as the man spirited her to the stables. The cold rain soaked them both before they reached the stalls. Lady Celine was indeed waiting for them and she helped Briseis onto her horse.

"Are you coming with us?" Briseis asked her.

"No. Lagus asked me to see you off so your mind would be at ease. I'll be waiting here for your return and then see you to your room."

"Your horse is leashed to mine," she heard the man say. "They are well trained, he will not go astray. There is no reason to fear," the man said as he mounted his steed.

"I know." Through the eyes of her owls she saw the man give her a strange look. With a click of his tongue they set off at a quick pace. Briseis had never ridden a horse without her sight and even though with the aid of the owls she wasn't totally blind, it was a humbling feeling to be lead while just managing to hang on. The rain and wind made her shiver and soon enough Briseis couldn't feel her hands or face. Her teeth chattered so hard she struggled to hold her tongue at the roof of her mouth to avoid biting it. Small amounts of blood she spat into wind and the slight sting told her she was failing every so often.

They rode down the slope of the hill and across a plain. The moonlight lit the world in stunning detail when seen through the eyes of her owls. A mouse scurried into a hole many feet to their left, yellowed leaves fell to the ground and were trod on by ants. Briseis wished she could see like this always but it did make the occasions more special when seldom done. They began to slow as they neared a large grove of fig trees.

Achilles&Briseis: A NovelWhere stories live. Discover now