Chapter Twenty-One This Promise I Make

Start from the beginning

Because if I hadn't, I would've burned the paper man firstly and secondly, I would've burned down everything with demonic fire said Hua Ying

Wang Fang began his examination, when he felt Hua Ying's pulse, he paused and gasped

Uncle what's wrong asked Hua Ying

A-Ying, be frank with me. Have you been intimate? asked Wang Fang

Heat of the moment, about a month so a guess said Hua Ying

A-Ying were you in your female form? asked wang Fang

Yes, uncle I was hurt and had to heal myself said Hua Ying why hasn't the medication been working he asked

No, no it has been working it's just that my sweet A-Ying, you're expecting said Wang Fang

Uncle? Are you? Uncle. UNCLE! Hua Ying leaped off the bed and hugged his uncle then sat back and groaned as the wound was still very tender.

Are you planning to tell them? Asked Wang Fang

No, I will tell mother, father and A-Shi first when I see them altogether, at once. Them I will reveal after this mess is sorted said Hua Ying. As both Lan's and Xie Lian came in.

Get out still busy growled Wang Fang as they left again. Alright we need the memory.

That is fine and I need what I saw in Mingjue's head said Hua Ying

That my dear can be arranged smiled Wang Fang, a great uncle he said as he grinned while pulling the memories from Hua Ying's mind, everyone will be envious once they find out that I knew first.

Outside as Wang Fang was with Hua Ying

The person you know as Wei WuXian is truly Hua Ying, son of crimson rain sought flower supreme ghost King, son of the demon king Yama and his wife goddess of forgetfulness and my son, I am heavenly emperor Xianle or Tai Zi Danxia, niece to the four heavenly pillars and youngest sister to Dong Hua my son is supreme demon ghost king and heavenly goddess Hua Lee Ying, my son was born an immortal but sacrificed himself for his sister and was reborn a mortal, when he disappeared the first time for three months it was his trial that he had to go through, he spent eighteen days withing the Diyu, each day for each ring and in the ghost realm he had to go through the Kiln, the person you spurned all those years ago, had died all those years ago is my son, the son that is currently looked after by the heaven's healer Wang Fang, was killed sacrificing himself for you all and into ascended into the body you all see now.   

So, it true said ZeWu-Jun after Xie Lian finished explaining

My son is not a Wei, he had chosen the name for your realm because it was to honor his mortal parents, he is a Hua has always been, I will allow this memory to remain, but I will restrict you both from speaking of it said Xie Lian

You say allow this memory to remain? What do you mean? asked ZeWu-Jun

It means that since A-Ying came here, the Lan's and Jiang's have hurt my son's heart that he almost shattered the last time... the way he chose his death... so we his family had your memories sealed with his incantation therefore you cannot remember the truth of the past only the imitation. The Jin's wanted him for his seal now they have an imitation of it, plus you all killed him said Xie Lian, he was only here for that boy now he is going to stay for Mingjue.

I will protect him said Lan Zhan

I'm sorry if this may come as harsh but I do not believe you from your past actions, my son has already once again given you his all, break his trust, heart and love and I can guarantee everyone will suffer said Xie Lian

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