51 ~ Seven Feet Over Head

Start from the beginning

His hands transformed into that of the palisman monster's as he grabbed both girls, one in each hand.

"Eat dirt, Belos!" Luz spat at him.

He sighed and glared at her, "It's Philip. And despite our differences, I want to help you, Luz. I can send you home. I have just enough Titan Blood for one more trip." He looked to the portal door which was lit up and ready to activate. Luz wanted to go home, she did, but she couldn't just leave everyone there to die. "Please. I don't want to see another human life destroyed by this place." Philip said with bitterness in his tone. He looked at (Y/n) in his left hand. His hatred for her began to infuriate him, just at the sight of her. His grip tightened on her, squeezing her like a boa constrictor.

"You're such a hypocrite." Luz jeered, "You talk big about protecting humanity, but after everything you've done, you're barely human yourself."

"I do pity you. These monsters have warped your sense of reality." Philip said, tightening his grip on (Y/n) to the point where she couldn't breathe. She gasped for air desperately. "Perhaps it'd be merciful to put you out of your misery." He dropped (Y/n) who coughed violently as he clenched his fist.

Both Luz and (Y/n)'s feet began to be turned to stone. "Wait. Wait, wait, wait! You-- You can't! You--" Luz begged.

"What?! No! No, no!" (Y/n) watched as her feet were engulfed in stone.

Luz though rapidly for a way out, "Y-You do realize you've been gone from the Human Realm for centuries. Times have changed. You wanna be known as the Emperor of the Witch Hunters, right?"

"Witch Hunter General." Philip corrected, arrogantly.

"Sure, sure. Uh, Witch Hunter General. But those aren't really a thing anymore. No one's gonna take you seriously if you start ranting about the Demon Realm. Not to mention a fashion sense like that..." She eyed his outfit up and down, "Yikes, my dude."

Philip threw her into a table, knocking it over. The petrification began to spread further up their bodies, freezing their hips.

No, no no no! This can't be happening no! (Y/n) begged to the Titan. She wasn't worried for herself, however. She was worried about Hunter. How distraught he would be if he were to find her petrified body.
Tears flooded her eyes at the thought.

"So what? You're offering to be my modern-day guide?"

"I'm not offering anything. But I do wanna make a deal." She said, intriguing Philip. "I can't beat you. I know that. So... I will return to the Human Realm, and I will be your guide. If, you spare my friends." Luz looked over to (Y/n) whose tears were dripping down her stone cold cheeks. Philip only scoffed at her offer. "Come on." Luz begged. "You'll need living proof that this realm exists. You'd do anything to save humanity? Well, I'd do anything to save the people I love. Please... Philip." She pleaded, tears streamed down her face as the stone spread to her cheeks.

(Y/n) watched as everything turned black. The stone had encapsulated her eyes. She could no longer cry nor see. It covered her ears and nose, she couldn't hear nor breathe.
There was calm, but then there was fight. A fight for her life.

She wouldn't allow herself to die like that, not when Hunter needed her. She stayed alive as best she could. No matter how much she wanted to give in and let her mind go blank.

Philip smirked and undid the petrification on both of them. The girl could breathe again. She could see and hear again. And best of all, she could see Hunter again. "Fine." Philip said, agreeing to her deal.

"Then shake on it. Human style." Luz held one hand behind her back. The hand had the branding glove on it. (Y/n) reached into Luz's back pocket, taking out an invisibility glyph and sticking it to the gauntlet. Luz smirked and revealed her other hand. "Mhhm." She smiled at the old man.

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