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"Reports are coming in of a large scale fire in the capital city of Dendendintukar." The transmission of the news crackled as Zapasnoy entered the atmosphere of Abutuncostlo, the fog already beginning to affect systems. "Eyewitnesses state the fire originated at Johoh's Original Original pizza shop, where they also reported seeing graffiti stating 'Bad girl, Demi'. It is not yet known whether the Galactic terrorist is to blame for this latest atrocity, or whether it's all just a weird coincidence."

No matter how much Demi tried, she couldn't switch off the speakers within Zapasnoy's cargo bay with her implant. As stupid as Friss was, or pretended to be, he had remembered to tear out all the networked systems on Zapasnoy that the repair systems had fixed. It didn't really matter, but Demi had started to get more than a little annoyed at the apparent glee he showed every time another act of terrorism was attributed to her.

It was just another to add to an ever-growing list of despicable events that the news cycles felt certain she had performed. It didn't matter that, for some of them, at least, the incidents occurred far too close in time for anyone to have travelled from one to the other. Even with Lodka's odd, but effective, super-fast trans-luminal drive. It simply wasn't possible.

When one report had blamed her for the eruption of a super-volcano on one, little-known uninhabited planet, Demi had started to think the news agencies had started gambling on who could come up with the most farcical accusation without the general news-listening public scoffing at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. The red giant star going supernova due to her supposed actions had cemented that idea.

"Tell me, again, why we're using Zapasnoy for this? The systems are already fritzing and we haven't got within three miles of the fog yet." She had secured herself in the EVA suit, ready for the cargo bay doors opening. She wasn't taking any chances with what she had heard about this planet. "Wouldn't Lodka, being organic and everything, be a better option? And she's bigger, too. We could land and ..."

"No. No. Oh, no. Lodka isn't 'bigger'. She's ... well-rounded. Cuddly. She is perfect exactly the way she is." Almost in a panic, Friss did his best to comfort Lodka, knowing the ship was probably listening to everything they said. "Besides, yes, she's organic, which means everything down there will just see her as one big, average sized, I mean, meal. She's a little afraid, if I'm honest."

The volume of Friss' voice rose and fell according to which words he needed to say to appease Lodka's delicate ego and when he mentioned things he'd rather she not hear. Which was utterly pointless as she could, as previously pointed out, hear everything everyone said anyway. Lodka sat above the atmosphere, Bognrd still aboard. Demi would have preferred the ... well-rounded ship for this part of the job, if only because her sheer size comforted Demi.

"Ah, she's a beaut and no mistake?" Briyun, fastening a belt with a blaster holster attached, shambled up to Demi. Once the belt was fastened, Bri held out her arms, wide, pudgy fingers squeezing at something imaginary. "I love a ship with a big ..."

"Don't say it!" Friss almost spluttered over the communications and Demi reflexively began to wipe her face, though the forcefield helmet stopped her.

"... engine?" Little, stoat-like eyes squinting, whiskers twitching, Bri gave a little grimace. "Why? What did you think I was going to say? Of course, she also looks like a fantastic arse and legs? If I was human, I'd be envious?"

The communications with Friss crackled and faded out as Friss began to shout at Bri. Things had broken down between the two. Demi felt certain it was because Friss felt Bri had stolen his position as 'Clearly the most stupid person on the ship'. It could be other reasons, of course, but since Briyun had arrived it seemed Friss had put a little extra effort in saying the most insane things. Thankfully, he had paused that particular conflict for the duration of the mission.

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