I look down back at the roses. "Honestly thank you, I didn't expect it at all."

"It's your birthday remember, how don't you expect to receive flowers?" He asks as he turns the key in the lock to open the door.

I begin to walk with him through the door. "I don't know, you always make it obvious whenever you..." 

I stop when I look at the bedroom and see the number 20 in huge rose gold balloons, other gold and pink smaller balloons and party decorations are hung up around the room. On the bed are many presents wrapped in gold paper.

"Twenty presents for my baby's twentieth." Theo says as he hugs me from behind. 

"Theo... How did you? When did you? This is too much." I didn't even know he was capable of doing things like this. I turn to him and I hug him tightly. "Thank you so much! I don't know what to say! I love it! I love it all! Thank you baby, thank you."

He laughs as he takes the roses away from me and places them on a nearby table. "Stop thanking me, you deserve more." He lifts me up by his arms and begins to turn on the spot, spinning me around. 

"Oh no, stop. Put me down!" I manage to say through my laughs.

Theo doesn't listen as he continues to go faster. 

"Please Theo, put me down!" I say whilst laughing but honestly I'm so scared my leg is going to hit into something and snap off. "Stop please."

"Shhh baby it's okay." He continues to laugh whilst spinning me for a final time then puts me down.

I fix my hair whilst laughing. "Why do you do that?"

"Just to see that scared look on your face, it's cute."

We turn to the presents and I begin to open them. He numbered each one and included a little note on for me to guess what it is before I open it. I'm so surprised at the effort he has gone through for me.

As we're sat on the bed I reach the gift labelled 20, I read the note 'Something you missed out on before' I turn to him confused. "This is a hard one, what is it?"

"Open it and find out." He states looking proud of himself.

I begin to open the thin package.

"No! No! No! Wait!" He announced alarmingly making me jump, which he notices as his tone softens. "Sorry." He lightly laughs whilst giving me an envelope, "Read this before you open it." 

I smile at him, "Okay Theo."

I open the envelope and see a letter written by Theo himself.

To Savannah,

Happy 20th birthday!!! I hope you get blessed with many more so we can die old together and live life to the fullest. You deserve the world baby.

I want to say thank you for sticking by me through the hard times. You have been really understanding when I get busy due to work or other things. I know I can be difficult at times but you help me and support me on the days I need you the most. You have always done your best and I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you. Not only have I noticed it, but a lot of people have noticed how much you have changed me for the better. You make me see things I never could before and you make me feel more. We've came so far and I hope we can keep working together to reach our dream. I appreciate you more than you'll ever know.

I love you more than words can describe.

Your last present is something that you missed out on because of me, you didn't need to stay behind but you chose to. I'm sorry for getting in the way of you making special memories and I hope this will make up for it.

Holiday With My Neighbourजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें