Chapter 32. Negotiation

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I left my phone behind at the base. I couldn't think about facing Ironhide after running away. He's already on edge and this will only add more tension. A shame really, I had hoped this would end differently, for all of us. I reached for my heart. The ache was bad. Sometimes it scared me. What if something is wrong? When Sunstreaker had been around, the pain hadn't been that worse but now it started to act up again. I stood at the bus station, waiting for it to arrive. Thich grey clouds made their appearance and darkened the sky at the point it made it look like the sun was setting down.

I turned my head and spotted the silver corvette. Sideswipe? What is doing here? How did he find me? I thought. I backed off. He drove into the side way and his holoform marched over to me like he owned the place. Running would be foolish, he's ten times faster then I am. He will find me anyway. 'What the hell!' He yelled. I saw tension on his face and in his muscles. Something was going. Something bad. 'You can't just leave!' He snapped. Anger rose up. 'I am not staying at that base! I want to see Sunstreaker and if you can't accept it, then it's your own damn problem!' I yelled back. He tightly grabbed my arm, at the point it started to bruise. 'That damn mech is looking for you! He's threatening to kill Lennox's family. He got an hold on them! You need to talk to him.'

I hit his cheek. Sideswipe jumped back and rubbed over the sore spot. 'Excuse me? So now things are circling down the drain I need to talk to him? Really?! That's how it's going to be now? I can't see him or even talk to him unless something bad is happening?' Sideswipe exhaled sharply. 'I made a mistake. I know see how much you mean to my brother. You're the only one who can fix this mess. Please, er have till 7 AM. The sooner I drop you off, the sooner he will release Lennox's family.' I bit my lip. Did Sunny really go berserk? Why would he lie about it? He lied a lot lately, but he wouldn't lie about something this serious.

'Star, please?'

I snorted,— shaking my head in disbelief. 'Fine...' he glanced at me. 'But not because you've been so nice to him or to me!' I snapped. I saw relief spreading over his face. 'Thank you!' He embraced me before walking up to his alt-mode. 'You still can't run off though.' I rolled my eyes and hopped in. 'I'm old enough to make my own choices,' I grumbled. Sideswipe drove off. I was scared to face Sunny and see what he did. What if he goes berserk on me took? After all, I ran off. Some time ago, he made me promise to never leave him...

There was a moment of shock that washed over me. It's a memory. I thought. I'm getting my memory back. I still don't remember everything, just flashed but it's a start. I glanced at Sideswipe. 'Where's Ironhide?' I asked to break the silence. I down casted my eyes, avoiding his as he turned his head. 'Heading back to Washington DC. He told me to find you,' He mumbled. I ohh'ed and looked outside. 'What are you going to say to him?' I simply shrugged. 'I don't know,' I muttered. 'Maybe you should practice a little bit...' the nerves came back. 'I know how to talk to him.' Another silence fell.

'I'm sorry. For everything.'

I met his gaze. Those big baby blue eyes held sorrow. 'Me too.' I didn't apologize because I thought I was wrong, but because I hadn't been really nice to him. Sideswipe flashed me a wry smile. The drive towards Washington DC was quiet and once we arrived, the base was a mess. Lennox was obviously freaking out and there was an overal mass panic. Sunstreaker must've terrorized the entire base. 'Where is he?' Prowl shook his head. 'We don't know. I'm glad you're here.' I huffed. 'Yeah, now you are all happy to see me, huh?' I asked icily. Ironhide handed me my phone back. 'Call him.' I took the phone but hesitated.

'If I do this... I don't want anyone to come between me and Sunny anymore.' A silence fell. A tensed was. 'This isn't the time to negotiate!' Prowl snapped. 'I won't make the call unless I got confirmation that Sunstreaker and I can be together.' Prowl exchanged a look with Optimus. 'Alright...' he gave a nod. I dialed Sunstreaker's number and stepped away from the group. 'Starlight?'

'Hey Sunny.'
'I'm so glad to hear you voice!' He purred.
'Yeah, hey listen, where are you?'
'Are you alone?'
'Sort off.'
'I want you to be alone.'
'Can't we just meet?'

Sunstreaker became quiet for just a few seconds. 'No. We can't. I'm going to do something and I don't want you to be here,' he mumbled coldly. 'Killing Lennox's family?' I asked. 'Yeah. I want revenge for taking you away from me and humiliating me in front of you,' he groused. Apparently it was an ego thing as well. 'I am getting my memory back, Sunstreaker. I know you lied to me too.' He growled. 'I did what was best for the both of us! Don't talk to me that way!' He hissed. 'I only want to meet and I promise, I'll be alone.'

'No! Everything is ruined!' He snapped. 'No, no... nothing is ruined. Listen to me, Sunstreaker. What you are doing is wrong and you will regret it. I just made a deal, we can be together but you need to let them go. I will meet you, just— let them go. Sunstreaker growled. 'No! No... this is a trap! You are trying to set me up!'

'You wanted to me! Remember! They had to take me to you. I want to meet you. No one is trying to set you up. Please, don't do this. We can be together. Annabel is a child, so you really kill children?' I asked. 'If I have too... maybe they finally start feeling the pain they gave me too!' He spat before the call was disconnected.

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