Don't Leave

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Third Person POV:

Chaeryeong was at the desk when she felt a presence behind her. Looking up, sure enough, her boss was standing a couple metres away watching her with keen eyes. Yeji flinched at the eye-contact and the working girl chuckled at her reaction.

"Is there something you need?"

"Um... not specifically."

"Then why are you here? Observing me?"

"Aniyo! I just forgot why I came- Oh right," Yeji turned around when she got about halfway to the door and placed some paper on her desk. "Here, business analytics, familiar?"

"I do believe I have attended university."

"Great. I look forward to the final result."

The elder nudged her way out of the room, back facing towards Chaeryeong, but didn't miss the younger's gaze grazing into her.

"Are you sure there wasn't something else?" she asked. Yeji paused then continued her purposeful walk towards the door and her office - stopping again at the first destination.

"I'll save that for another time."

——— Yeji storycam ———

She rushed over to her office then collapsed on the chair and her hands ran through her hair. Her eyes scanned the room for something. On spotting it she staggered over, opened the small cylindrical container and took some pills out. She popped them in her mouth and reached for her water bottle. Swallowing them quickly she took a deep breathe and exhaled to calm herself down.

This medication really isn't working, she thought. Collapsing on her chair and her head hitting the desk top, fainted.

Chaeryeong POV:

How much work does this job require? It's worse than school and, trust me, school is hell! Projects over projects over projects but this is madness. I have at least 16000 presentations to finish and it's my first week- give me a break!

Actually. Don't. Give me a raise.

I finished up one piece of work and began to walk my way to Hwang's office... where apparently I'll need to submit everything to her. For her. What I was expecting wasn't what I saw though.

She was collapsed upon her desk, some blood dripping down her forehead and pills scattered around her. I screamed at the sight, did I mention that I have a phobia of blood? The door behind me swung open and there stood my sister wide-eyed. She works here? What?

"Shit!" she cursed and dialled 112. "Annyeonghaseyo? Nae, I have an emergency. My colleague had fainted in her office."

My sister kept on babbling to the so-called 'emergency services' who decided it would be a great idea to just hang up the call. What a scam.
Chaeyeon rushed over to Yeji, I was still frozen on the spot, lifted her onto her back and walked her way to the elevator.

"Ryeong! Do you have a driver's license?"

"I think so... wae?"

"Drive Yeji to the hospital, someone needs to watch over the company whilst she's out."

I just nodded and followed her into the lift, we got down to the parking lot and she transferred Yeji's weight onto my back. Her heart was slowing down to an unnatural speed and that's when my brain realised it, she was dying. Those pills I saw were not pills nor medication... they were drugs or even worse - poison. I shoved her in the backseat of the car and popped the engine.
Turning on my GPS I search for the nearest hospitals and I gasped at the distance, 20 minutes?! I wasn't sure she was going to make it.

A little speeding wouldn't hurt right?

The door to the lot was already open,  I hit the accelerator and sped out as fast I these wheels could go. About halfway through our journey sirens were heard behind us and I can't say I was surprised. We got on the highway so I sped up a little bit more to lose some time. When we arrived I head a knock on my car door. I groaned out in frustration and anger.

"Ma'am, is there a particular reason you were speeding quite a bit over the limit?"

Oh let's see! Maybe because your trashy workforce couldn't help someone who was dying even though it wad specifically stated they were? The audacity of the modern world.

"I had to take someone to the hospital."

"Is that so? You should've call-"

That's it. I've had enough. Thunderclouds began to form around my head and fire circled my wrists in a wild fury. I slammed my hands against the wheel to signal him to shut it.

"You see that girl in the back seat?" I pointed over to Yeji and he looked over then shrugged. "Yeah! Go on! Shrug your life away! 'You should've called'? Saying that then being so being so indifferent when you see it first hand!"

"Ma'am, I-"

"Get out of my door, I'm taking her to the doctor."

I didn't wait for him to do that though, my patience had been run up. Slamming the door straight into his arm I got up and out of the car, I took Yeji's arms and slung them over my shoulders then began to walk myself in. When I reached the reception the lady looked up and here eyes widened in fear and surprise.

"Aniyo! Did you get hung up on?" She asked as she took Yeji from my shoulders and gestured me to sit down on the chair.

"Nae, how did you know?"

"It's been happening for weeks now... one second, let me find you a doctor."

She dialled the hospital and spoke into the caller, "Is anyone available for an emergency treatment? I repeat, is anyone available for an emergency treatment?"

There was a response, inaudible but reassuring.

"The doctors will be here soon Mrs...?"

"Ms Lee."

"Oh! I thought you two were married! I'll jot your name down so that I could contact you later about any updates."


The doctors rushed in and laid Yeji on the stretch board. I made my way to the waiting room/lounge in the hospital.

If only I had finished my work sooner.

Please don't leave me, Yeji.

I'm not ready yet.

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