Forward and Forever

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Um, Lia POV for now but should I focus on Chaerji or skip between Chaerji and Jinlia? I'm so lost, help-


Damn you, Shin Ryujin! Out of all the people you had to help it had to be Yeji - Chaeryeong is a valuable asset and you made her join the Hwangs - instead of me, sitting in the park curled up underneath the slide since the cafés are closed.

It's been raining for a week non-stop with the weather forecast barking with flood warnings, which is true and false. Yes, it does rain pretty heavily nowadays, but the closest thing to a 'flood' that I could see was a little pond forming in the hole some seven-year-old decided to dig up earlier when I just arrived. My uniform was soaking wet from running here in the rain and my bag's weight's definitely 60% water by now.

"Jisu-yah!" Ryujin's voice rang out from somewhere in the ghosty haze. "Choi Jisu-yah!"

What's she doing out here? It's raining freaking raining! She could get a cold, a flu and even a fever (technically she would want that because then she can skip school but pabo, a sickness is a sickness, no way round it). Nae, I can be cruel with people who I think have done me wrong but it'd be paranoid to think I'm the same with those who care about me. It's genuinely a mutual thing with the exception of Yuna and Chaeryeong, who'll need to talk to and apologise later if she's willing to hear it. If she is then I'm probably going to cry out of happiness but if she doesn't I can easily understand why. People see me as a monster because of my heritage and I became one - I refuse to lie on that point but it's certainly not something that I would go around showing off.

"Ah Ryujinnie-ka, what are you doing out here at this time?" I asked my panting girl.

"I came to see you, of course!" She came nearer and sat under the slide next to me, on the wet floor.

"In the rain? You could get sick!" I replied. I could feel my eyes softening from their previous cold state and my icy hands reached over to her forehead to check her temperature. My muscles relaxed when I felt the heat radiating from her it, it's not too high for fever but not cold enough to mark a flu. She offered me her jacket but I declined it, I was already used to this 'climate' and my body could supply itself with enough heat for me to stay healthy - Ryujin, on the other hand, is used to heating and hearths so her self-sufficiency isn't great.

"Not if you come with me." She demanded and began to walk away, evidently expecting me to follow. I got up and sighed, I couldn't afford for her to get sick, economically and emotionally, so I found myself trailing after her to her house like a lost sloth even though I knew the way by heart. When did I become so soft? Last time I was like this was... argh, also with Ryujin. Do I regret it? Aniyo. Does it bother me? Nae. Nae. Nae. The streets were bright with the floodlights and the headlights of some blaring cars, it's not the best place to be when the weather's like this but it's better than the park's mud. After a little more time in the shower we arrived at the familiar, homely sight of Ryujin's apartment building.

"After you, agi." She opened the door and waved her hand in a circle, gesturing me to go in first. I really don't know what I've ever done to deserve her. She's the full package: sporty, handsome, smart, generous, brave and what a gentlewoman! Me? I've said this before and I'll say it again: MONSTER. I'm a monster, nothing more nothing less and I'm grateful for the 'nothing more' because if I was then I don't know where I'd be now.

"Ani, deo!" I replied and pushed her in then closed the door once we were both inside. We raced each other up the stairs, giggling and shoving each other slightly as we did so (in the end we are a competitive couple). Once inside, Ryujin sat me down on the kitchen chair and turned around to go get something from second floor of the wonderfully garnished duplex. I've been here at least a few dozen times but the class shock always makes me quite dazed. Some fruit and bread with honey were on the table, set up with the the fruit bowls forming a small heart and the bread in the middle - Jinnie never does this sort of thing if it's not important and I'm hoping it's for me.

"Ah! Aniyo you weren't supposed to see that yet!" she exclaimed dragging me out from the kitchen towards the living room where I just noticed Yuna holding a little candle in hand and singing a Taylor Swift's Message in a Bottle. From when was she that good at singing?! AND FROM WHEN DOES RYUJIN CARE SO MUCH ABOUT DESI- oh... wow... Ryujin knelt down on one knee, took out a little box from her pocket and opened it to reveal the most beautiful and stunning ring I have ever dreamt of.

"Wha- wha- wae?" I managed to stammer out between my tears.

"Lia, you have no idea how important you are to me. I know about your background and I know how you feel about it but forget that and focus on the now! To me you are flawless, regardless of your scars, you are beautiful inside and out, you are patient with me whenever I do something... impolite. You have been there for me whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on and there when I needed advice. However you are much more than a go-to person to me, what you are to me can not be put into words. Regarding those scars I mentioned earlier, will you give me the chance to heal them? The chance to love you to the full? Choi Jisu, will you marry me?"

"Y-yes, Ryujin, I will marry you." I replied and jumped into her arms. She placed the ring on my finger and pulled me in to a loving kiss.

"I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU WOMAN AND WIFE!" Ning Ning yelled whilst bouncing around.

"Damn Ning Ning, it's an engagement not a wedding but throw a party!" Karina proclaimed, 5 cracks followed after and a loud whooping sound was heard in the room.

"YAY! I DON'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH YOU ANYMORE!" Yuna shouted, placed down the candle at the nearby table and started prancing around with Ning Ning. Giselle and Winter being too shocked at the two maknaes' sudden outburst of joy to say anything.

"Saranghae, Ryujin-ah..." I muttered into her shoulder as we resumed our hug.

"I love you too, my forward and forever."

What do you guys think of this Jinlia chapter? TAHAHA ik this is supposed to be a chaerji book but a mix is fun :>

Annyeong readers~

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