6. The city named Numea

Start from the beginning

I hurry to get out of the forest before anyone sees us. The village was long destroyed, it didn't even show on some maps, but there were still people that 'lived' there, in the ruins of a once magnificent village. My village.
Kalatril joins me shortly after putting the large piece of paper in one of his pockets, Granny had made sure that he got a new set of clothes, I had a few changes in my bag, in case. You never know when an extra pair of shorts are needed.

As we walk through the ghost village, all those that are there look at us. Some with questioning, some with malice, some mockingly, but mostly some with hate. Hate because those two young adults were in a better situation than them, they were jealous at the point where they would strangle us just for the pleasure of knowing that we did not live no longer. Those people with a haunted look in their eyes were probably good people years ago, but the world where we live is vicious. Hard moments and traumas could turn people into monsters. Suddenly, my eyes lay on a destroyed house. Some of its bricks had been displaced, the hay that should be at its top was absent, already burned away, one of the walls was missing as well as half of another. But I could recognize it perfectly, that house after all, had been mine.

-Follow me, I think I saw something, says Kalatril, quite low so that no one could hear.

He points with his finger what remained from my old house and before I can say anything, he pulls me inside.

-What are you doing!, I keep a reasonable tone, just like he did.

-Oops, I was wrong, there is nothing here, oh well, guess we will have to stay a moment and look around!

I stop fuming and take a moment to realize, Kalatril had understood my little secret not so secret anymore. But he didn't want to talk about it because he knew I would have denied it. So he had found a clever and weird way to let me see the inside for what would probably be the last time without looking for to much information.
I let go a 'thanks' with my most serious expression and he smiles slightly.

-I have no idea what you are talking about.

My serious face immediately drops and I give a chuckle.

-How did you know?, I say as I pace towards a corner of the 70 square meter rectangle, we're used to be my bed.

Probably destroyed by flames or stolen by somebody desperate. I stop wondering in my own thoughts and focus on him.

-I just did.

I suddenly stop walking across the room and look at him weirdly. What if he could read minds?! I wasn't yet sure but I felt as if I were exposed.

-Let me reassure you, no, I don't read minds, he says, in a confident way.

I take of my guard for a moment but I don't sight, it was to early for that, I had a way of knowing when something unusual was about to happen.

-I read feelings.

Hourra! Award for 'guessing what kind of stupid thing your travel companion was about to tell you' won by Aisha!

-Oh thank the gods you said that, I am totally reassured know, anything else? You can talk with plants?

It was easy to sense my evident sarcasm and Kalatril's smile grew wider.

-No, plants don't 'talk', they 'communicate', there is a difference.

I look at him trying to hide my completely aghast face and try to see him confirm what he just said. In answer, he just nodded.

-As well as making wood turn to berries and jam.

As soon as he finished his phrase I answer.

-Nah. This time you're tripping me, I say.

He shows a sorry and upset doggy face.

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