He continued to scan the club slowly, taking in each new thing and noting all the things that made him curious to research at a later date. The people entering had dwindled to nearly no one and he had memorized almost every face in the club. He knew who was talking to who and who belonged in what friend groups. Shiloh watched as Rhett approached him.

"Are you doing okay over here? Do you need anything? A drink?" Shiloh's face scrunched in confusion. Previous clients never asked about his well-being. It was never about him, only about protecting them, many even thinking he should be serving them.

He tilted his head to the side, reminding Rhett of a confused puppy. "Why?" The words slipped from Shiloh before he could stop them. He didn't know what happened to his control, something about these two was throwing him off.

"What do you mean why? Even if your job is to protect us, we still want you comfortable while doing so." Rhett's explanation still didn't make sense to Shiloh.

"Why do you care?" The words didn't come out aggressive, just confused.

"Because you're a person Shiloh and you should be treated as such regardless of if you're working for me or not." Rhett had to fight the urge to caress Shiloh's face. The man wasn't a submissive, but the way he was looking at Rhett as if begging to help him understand pressed at the dominance within him.

"I don't understand..." The words were whispered, not meant for Rhett's ears, but the dominant knew this conversation would something he would talk to Malin about later. "I'm okay, I don't need anything. Thank you for checking on me." The more that Shiloh opened up, the more Rhett began to wonder just how he became a bodyguard, the position truly didn't fit the bits of personality they were beginning to see. "Do you want to come sit with us? I can explain what's going on here. You seem curious." Shiloh looked at the couches, they were faced in such a way that if he were to sit with them, he would still be able to see the entrance and hallway with no exits behind them. "You can ask whatever questions you like. I know how crazy this stuff can seem when you know nothing about it."

"Will I have to sit on the floor?" The innocence in Shiloh's expression tugged at Rhett.

"Only if you want to." Shiloh's face scrunched again as he thought about it, not understanding he would want to. "Come on. You don't have to talk to anyone else unless you want to. I'll explain and if you want to come sit back over here after, you are more than welcome to." Shiloh nodded and Rhett had to bite his tongue to keep from demanding a verbal response. Shiloh slid from his chair and followed closely over to the couch, sitting down on the end with Rhett directly next to him.

As soon as he was seated he leaned over and whispered to his lover, "When we get home I need to talk to you about Shiloh. It's nothing bad, but I am concerned about him. I asked him if he needed anything and was okay and he asked why I cared. As if the fact that his comfort is irrelevant." Malin hummed in response as he nodded and thought over the new information.

Rhett focused his attention back on Shiloh, "Do you have any questions you want to ask before I start the full explanation?"

"Could you explain and I'll ask questions as I go? I think I have too many questions right now and I'm sure your explanation will answer a lot of them." Shiloh's voice was soft, unsure. He had never really conversed with someone before. He was used to being given directions and that being it. Never had he been allowed to ask questions.

"Of course" Rhett dove into a detailed explanation of all things BDSM and kink related. He explained the basics, to trainings, to some of the more popular kinks. Shiloh absorbed the information like a sponge, fascinated by it all.

"So, the dominant takes care of the submissive?"

"Not always. It depends on the dynamic or sometimes just the situation. Some doms live to take care of their submissives, pamper them, feed them, dress them, and give them everything they could ever need. Some subs live to care for their doms, cooking, cleaning, or whatever the dom may need. It's not all about sex although sex is often incorporated into the dynamic, it's all dependent on what the party agrees on. It's all about communication. Everyone has to communicate what they want and need. Some pairings don't work at all, just because they need something different." Shiloh looked at Rhett with fascination as he explained. "For example, Malin and I are extremely controlling. We want a submissive that will let us control every aspect of their life. One who will ask permission to do even the smallest of things. We want this and there are submissives who need to give up that control. All submissives have different reasons for why they want to give up however much control and all dominants have different reasons for why they need the control. It's different for everyone. On the other hand, Zeke, the bouncer you met outside, fawns over his submissive Josh, or Joshie as he calls him. They have a daddy dom/little boy dynamic where he takes care of josh and provides him with everything he needs. There's much more to the dynamic, but that's the basis."

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