Day 6

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"Minjeong Kim, you are the master of dates."

She really wasn't.

Jimin was currently helping Minjeong give Daisy the elephant a bath with a hose, sponges, and a bucket mixed with bubbles and water.

Minjeong pouted. "I've never gone on a date before, don't make fun of me."

How could someone like Minjeong Kim never gone on a date before?

"Seriously? Even I have gone on dates. Albeit, horrible ones. But still dates." Jimin told her.

Minjeong shrugged as grabbed a sponge and started to wash the large animal's side. "I never had time to. I'm always on the move." She told Jimin.

"Then let me take you on a date." Jimin offered. "After the show."

Minjeong smiled, tilting her head. "You want to take me on a date even after making you give Daisy a bath?"

Jimin laughed. "Even if you made me give the monkeys a bath."

Minjeong looked at her quizzically. "We don't have monkeys."

"Kai and Yeonjun tell me otherwise."

Minjeong laughed loudly, throwing her head back and squinting her eyes from laughing so hard. The sight alone made Jimin's heart flutter. "You are right, but monkeys are smarter than them." She pointed out.

"Possibly, possibly." Jimin nodded in agreement.

Minjeong walked up to Jimin and poked her nose that was filled with suds, making Jimin scrunch up her nose and Minjeong giggle. "I will gladly go on a date with you." She whispered.

"Even after this?"

Minjeong raised an eyebrow. "After what?"

Jimin smirked before grabbing the hose and spraying Minjeong with water from the hose.

"Jimin!" Minjeong squealed as she tried running from Jimin but Jimin laughed as she ran after her and continued spraying her. "Jiminie!" she pouted, crossing her arms as she gave in and let Jimin wet her instead of running.

Jimin stopped wetting Minjeong and giggled, clutching onto her stomach from laughing so hard. "It's awfully hot outside, I thought you needed to cool down." Jimin said innocently with a smirk.

Minjeong raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" the drenched girl took a step closer to Jimin.

Jimin pointed the hose to Minjeong like if it was a gun. "Don't come any closer Kim! I'm armed!"

Minjeong only smirked before yelling like a mad person and charging after Jimin and throwing her over her shoulder.

Jimin gasped and squeaked. "Minjeong!" Jimin exclaimed. "You're going to drop me!"

"No, I'm getting revenge." Minjeong smirked before looking up at Daisy. "Daisy dear, Jimin here needs some water." The elephant made a trumpeting noise before her trunk was above Jimin and Jimin protested and then the water sprayed onto her and drenched her body as well as Minjeong's.

Minjeong laughed her ass off as Jimin pouted and Minjeong put her down.

Jimin crossed her arms and looked at Minjeong. "Not funny." Jimin pouted even more.

Minjeong giggled and before poking Jimin's cheek with bubbles and Jimin right away started to chase her around while Minjeong squealed and ran from Jimin. They probably looked like six year olds but for once, Jimin didn't care about how people saw her. Because all she saw right now was Minjeong and that was more than enough.

Jimin suddenly tripped over her two feet and fell on her back, laughing up a storm. Minjeong laughed as well and stuck her tongue out at Jimin. "What a clumsy dork." Minjeong teased playfully as she lied next to her.

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