Day 5

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Jimin liked Minjeong.

She should've known that's what it was. Her feelings grew very strong, very quickly. Jimin wasn't sure what made her fall: was it Minjeong's captivating eyes and personality? Or was it because Minjeong understood Jimin without having to explain anything? She knew Minjeong's story awfully well yet she hadn't uttered a word about hers.

She'd never shared her story with anyone.

The thing about stories was that some stories were best to be kept in notebooks and never shared with the world. That was Jimin's story.

Minjeong's story was the kind of story the world needed to know. Minjeong was something in this world. And Jimin? She was a speck of dust. She was just another teenage girl that was heading off to college in hopes to discover herself or something.

Minjeong's life consisted of an audience captivated of her while Jimin's life was revolved around four walls in the comfort of her room.

But now?

Jimin was terrified because she spent every waking moment thinking of Minjeong or beside Minjeong or something involving Minjeong.

Her life stopped consisting of four walls and instead took the form of a person. And wanting to make that person happy.

Jimin couldn't like a girl she couldn't have. Minjeong wasn't at reach because her life revolved around the circus while Jimin's life revolved around her. Minjeong was everywhere and Jimin was nowhere. It could never work.

Jimin sat on her bed and held the miniature unicorn in her hand, her eyes fixated on it as if it could give her answers.

"Why do you keep going back to the circus?" a small voice spoke up.

Jimin looked up to see Yeoreum standing there by the door. "Because I found something there... but I can't have it. So I settle with just admiring it."

"Well why can't you have it?" Yeoreum asked.

"This is not the discussion I want to have with my little sister, no offense." Jimin told her.

"Why because I'm a kid?"

"That's exactly why." Jimin agreed.

"Kids know stuff too, you know. We're not dumb. We see things too." Yeoreum told her, crossing her arms.

"And what do you see?" Jimin questioned.

Yeoreum stepped inside the room and sat down next to Jimin and whispered into her ear as if it was a secret. "You like someone over there."

Jimin's eyes widened. "How do you know?"

"You keep going back." Yeoreum said simply. "When you keep going back to something, it means that it means something to you."

"Yeah?" Jimin hummed. "Well I only have five more days to keep going back to something that means to me and then it'll leave." She sighed. "That's something you don't know, things that mean something to you leave."

"I know that... you're leaving too." Yeoreum said softly, looking down at her hands.

Jimin sighed. "I'm not leaving forever, I'm coming back."

"Right." Yeoreum nodded. "So why don't you think the thing that means something to you won't come back?"

Yeoreum got her there.

Jimin didn't say anything and only shrugged. "You should tell the thing that means something to you that they mean something to you."


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