-chapter two:baking and style-

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TW-swearing, let me know if I missed anything

George´s POV

George was going to reach his arm out for Dream to take, but then realized how awkward that would be, considering his immediate infatuation with the masked man. He pretended that his actual original intention wasn't to reach his arm out to Dream like he was another princess, but to cross his arms in front of him rather than behind his back. 

This was going to be a nightmare from hell

Dream nodded his head in the direction of the bakery, taking a tentative half-step towards it. George nodded too, quickly following behind. He loved Niki´s Bakery: First because of Niki, she was awesome, and second because THE FUCKIN PASTRIES OH MY GOD. George loved it here and had loved it since he was a kid. He was caught up in fondly remembering running around with Fundy, Niki, Eret, and Ranboo when he heard the familiar doorbell jingle. They were here already? He hoped he didn't seem rude, he was just really antisocial. 

Oh right.


George wanted to be friends with this dude a very weird amount, considering his usual introversion. But if he wanted to do that, he would have to actually, you know, TALK to this dude. ´What do normal people ask each other when they first meet?´ he asked his brain as they ordered drinks and pastries.

After picking the nice corner nearest the entrance to sit down at, they both realized they had literally nothing to say. Dream was looking around like a damn NPC, and George suddenly found the maplewood floor very interesting.

George couldn't take it anymore. So he decided to, very casually and composed and not awkward at all ask Dream a basic get-to-know-you question.

¨If you had a boat, what would you name it?¨


´YOU HAD ONE JOB. TO NOT BE AN ANTISOCIAL IDIOT!´ he mentally screamed at himself as he internally punched a wall.

But George couldn't really back out now, so he looked at Dream with as much seriousness as he could muster, which really wasn't a lot, so he found himself lopsided-smiling and then dorky giggling at his own question.

He didn't think he'd ever been more relieved to hear another person laugh than in that moment, when the blond across from him started giggling too. His giggles soon turned into painful sounding wheezes, that only made the two of them laugh harder at themselves.

Once the laughing subsided(which was a long time, mind you), Dream piped up.

¨Um.. I´m not sure? I haven't really thought about it. Maybe like, Shelly? I don´t know.¨ You could hear the leftover wheezes in his playful tone. 

At this George nearly spit out his drink, ¨Shelly?¨ he questioned, voice about to break with more laughter.

¨I don´t know! That's what my grandma´s fish is called, I think.¨ He said, staring thoughtfully at the beautifully carved chandelier in the bakery, drumming his fingers on his chin.

George spoke ¨I think I would name mine after some form of ancestor too. Like Sir something or other.¨

Dream looked at him funny ¨Sir implies that he´s a man of noble blood, which would imply the existence of a boat king, and furthermore, a kingdom and heirs and other nobles.¨

¨Hang on, how does that work? When was the kingdom started and how? How is the economy affected by being, you know, boats? What are royal boat customs?¨ George questioned, already cracking a smile at Dream´s insightful questions. They discussed it for a while, asking more and more questions to the point where a bystander wouldn't even know they were talking about literal boats.

~~a dnf royal au~~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora