Secret's Out

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I woke up feeling like a million bucks. That's a fucking lie. I woke up feeling like I hadn't slept for 20 years. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the bright light I realized where I was. I was in Delia's room and I could hear soft voices through a door. "I told you she's not stable enough to travel with magic. It's just going to hurt her more" that's definitely Delia. "Listen I I understand you have a little crush on her and want to keep her here. But you can't just tell me I can't take my girlfriend home" sounds like Xandra.

Cordelia come here I say to her and the bathroom door opens. She looks at me and smiles widely before making her way over to the bed. "You can't just walk away from m-" Xandra stops as soon as she sees I'm awake. "Hi baby" she says as she sits next to me. I smile weakly at her and close my eyes for a moment. The swirl of dark energy in here is making me feel constricted. It feels difficult to even speak with so much floating in the air.

Can you give her something to do? I need to talk to you I tell Delia. She looks down before turning to Xandra. "Right now?" Xandra says looking between me and Cordelia. Delia miss once and Xandra huffs before giving me a kiss on the cheek and leaving the room. "What did you tell her?" I whisper once I hear her footsteps retreat. "I called for 'twin ten', basically it means I can ask her to do anything. She has to spend 10 minutes doing said activity. It was a joke we developed when we were younger to embarrass each other" she chuckles.

"Why hasn't she ever used it on you?" I ask curiously, "well... I'm not really sure honestly. I've called all of them as far as I can remember. I think she came up with the idea for me as a way to cheer me up" she recalls. "Anyways what did you need to tell me? You've only got ten minutes" she giggles. "Remember how I had that thing a few weeks ago?" I ask and she nods telling me to go on. "Well it was a vision and it was of something horrific. I didn't want to believe it but I got the full thing today" I say.

"I woke up this morning and threw up and had a raging headache. Then I've been dizzy and lightheaded all day. And when I was laying on your lap I felt like there were spikes piercing through my head and belly. I've never felt anything like it Delia, it was the worst thing ever. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. The vision is something like the end of the world. Everything is in ash and dust, we end up having to fight a man named Michael. He's satan's son and-" she stops me putting her hand on my chest.

"Ok. I'm not saying I don't believe you so don't work yourself up about that. I'm only stopping you because you haven't taken a breath in a solid minute. Just breath for a second ok? Now, I one hundred percent take this this seriously. I want you to train a bit more once you're feeling better. I know that we'll have to fight in order to defeat him. There's no way we can stop it so we'll have to wait it out. Umm do you have any ideas on how to rectify it? You know more about this than I do" she sighs.

"I think there's a way I can show you, I didn't want to it before. Mostly because I didn't have all the information. Now I can show you just so you can know as much as possible" I say and she nods. I sit up and have her sit next to me as I turn to her. I put my hands on the side of her head and focus my energy on them. I let the 'memories' flow through me and into her. I wait until it full plays and then I release the connection. It takes her a moment to open her eyes so I know she's seen it.

"Holy shit" she says and I nod, she takes my hand and rubs it. "I'm so sorry you had to do this alone" she said tearing up. "It's ok. Now you can help me" I say sadly and she kisses my hand. "Alright. So we've got a few options I suppose. I can pay a visit to the warlock school and try and figure out what's going on. But since I already know what he looks like and what he's capable of I don't really need to do that. I mean I hate to have no plan but I can't think of anything" she admits.

"I think the best plan is to strengthen the forces we have. So we have better powers to rely on when it comes time to fight. I mean you already know what we have to do so win this" I say tearing up. "You don't have to be there. We can just go and get it done and you can stay in hiding" she suggests. "There's no way I'm letting you go alone. Plus I can't..." I say and she furrows her eyebrows. "You know how you never saw the person that has to perform the spell" I stated

"Y/n..." she says sadly, "I'm sorry" I say and she looks up to stop herself from crying. "I have to watch you get hurt, knowing that I can't do anything?" She asks helplessly and I wipe her tears. "You have to die for me, I feel like knowing that and having to carry it is a bit worse" I joke as tears fill my eyes. "Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I just couldn't help myself falling in love with you" she says and I chuckle. "Not a wise decision my lady" I reply.

"Jesus I couldn't wait for that be over" Xandra says as she walks in. I wipe my eyes quickly so she doesn't see and so does Cordelia. "So... what's been going on while I was gone?" She says looking between the both of us.

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