Dinner with Me

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I ate quickly and went upstairs after washing my dish. She didn't try to talk to me or come after me so I just decided to go to sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night to a banging noise on the wall.

What the fuck? "OH YES! RIGHT THERE LARRY, RIGHT THERE!" I hear Xandra scream, like scream. My blood is fucking boiling right now. And I'm mad at myself because I shouldn't even feel this way, not for the reasons I am anyway.

I honestly don't care that I was woken up, but to hear him fucking her is disgusting. She was supposed to be mine... but she's not and never will be. So I cover my ears, but I can still hear everything. "FUCKKK, I'M CUMMINGGGG" she yells, soon after it's quiet.

I turn back over but I can't go back to sleep after hearing that. So I get up and go downstairs and out to the backyard. It's dark so I don't even bother trying to read because the light is terrible. I'm glad I wore shorts, I dipped my legs into the pool and scrolled on my phone.

After some time I saw the sun begin to rise, I decided to go make some breakfast. I put in my headphones and started the process and I chose something really simple. So I was done with everyone's breakfast really quick.

I put theirs in the microwave to try to keep it somewhat warm. I sat down at the dining table and put on a show to watch on my phone. The episode ended and I was about to click the next one until I heard yawning.

There she was, the woman of the hour, walking down the stairs in a nightgown. I pretended not to see her and instead I poured the milk, into my little bowl of cereal. She pulled one of my headphones out and I looked up at her.

"You only made breakfast for yourself?" She asked almost harshly. "In the microwave" I said and her face softened before she walked away. She came back a few seconds later and sat across from me. "You're up early" she says before taking a bite, "yep" I say putting my headphone back in.

"Hey I'm not done talking to you" she says. "Well I was done talking so..." I reply, "why are you being such a bitch?" She asked coldly. "Maybe if I'd gotten a full nights rest I'd be more pleasant. But unfortunately I was woken up by your screaming 'RIGHT THERE!'" I mocked her.

I got up to put my plate in the garbage before she could respond. "You're not gonna finish that?" She asked maintaining her demeanor. "Not really hungry anymore, you enjoy though" I said sarcastically.

I went back up to the room and laid down facing the window. I really don't think this could get any worse, but every time I think that it does. I sit there for a few hours before I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say annoyed, "just letting you know im heading out" Larry says poking his head in the door. "Oh ok... where are you going?" I ask curiously, "just out" he responds. I nod and he leaves without another word. I lay back down but minutes later there's another knock.

"jesus christ" I whisper to myself, "come in" I say. Xandra steps into my room and looks around for a moment. "We're going to dinner, get ready" she says, "im not hungry" I say. "That's not what I asked" she responds, "you literally can't make me, im an adult" I stare.

"You literally live in my house so..." she says mocking me. I roll my eyes and stand up to look for clothes. "Are you gonna stand there the entire time, or actually let me get dressed?" I ask sassily. She scoffs and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

I get dressed and soon enough I hear her heels clicking towards my door. She opens it without knocking as im putting on my sneakers. "That's what you're wearing?" She asks sounding disgusted.

"Yes what's wrong with my sneakers? You didn't say get dressed up you just said get dressed. Are these not clothes and shoes?" I ask annoyed. She narrows her eyes at me and simply says "let's go" before walking towards the stairs.

I follow her down and out the house, we get in the car and she turns on the radio. She starts humming to the song playing and I do too as it's a really good song. We arrive at the restaurant after what feels like an hour but was probably half that.

We walk into the place and she tells them her name for the reservation. Our waiter comes over and hands me a drink, "we didn't order yet" I say. "I know, it's from... that gentleman over there" he says searching and pointing to a man at the bar.

I grimace at him and before I can say no thanks and give the drink back Xandra takes it. She sips it and glares at me, "please tell him she said no thanks. I'll have a rum and coke and she wants sweet tea" she says and sends him off.

He looks at me and I give him a look showing I'm just as confused as him. "What was that?" I asked, "what was what? Me helping you?" She retorts. "I can handle myself" I reply boldly, "you're underage and he was sending you an alcoholic drink" she responds.

"Do you even know how old I am?" I ask her, now she looks down. "I'm 22" I say, she looks back up somewhat amused but mostly shocked. "Yeah, so I'm not underage and respectfully you know nothing about me. Maybe you should ask me things first before making decisions for me" I say.

"Well that's why I brought you out to dinner" she says perking up trying to change the subject. "I wanna learn more about you" she says

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