Sensual Touch (Pt. 2)

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"How we doing? Are you comfortable?" I say as I adjust the blanket to cover her back.
"Yeah I'm great, already more relaxed than when I came in!"
"Glad to hear it" I smile as I turn on my trusted relaxing spa music.
I move myself behind her as she settles comfortably into a right side lying position and gently fold the blanket down to her hip and tuck it under. The top fold always gives me problems staying where it belongs, so I carefully lift her left arm and shimmy the blanket underneath before placing her arm back down on her side. Her right arm is curled up under the pillow supporting her head and her left hand has the yellow blanket cuddled up under her chin. Her eyes flutter closed and she takes a deep breath, in and out.
After pumping a small amount of jojoba oil into my hands, I rub them together to warm it before lightly spreading the oil from her traps, down both sides of her spine and around the top of her hip bones and back up to the base of her neck. I do this stroke 3 more times to completely coat her back with oil so my hands glide.
Claire let's out a soft sigh and sinks deeper into the mattress topper on the table. "That feels heavenly"
I smile to myself as I adjust the sheet to expose more of her lower back. Tracing my fingers down the top of her hip bone to the notch at the top of her sacrum, I quietly ask "is this the area that's been bothering you?"
"Yes, and my hips" She mumbles as she lifts her arm to point to the middle of her glute. "It's like a pinching soreness that won't go away"
"It's probably your sciatic nerve causing the pain in your hip" my thumbs carefully find the divot from hip bone to sacrum and ease into the muscle.
Claire let's out a little moan and them slaps her hand over her mouth in embarrassment. "Oh I'm sorry. Didn't mean for that to come out" Her cheeks were flushed and I feel her pull away from my touch, ever so slightly.
"Don't worry about it at all. It lets me know I'm doing my job well. I don't mind."
She returns her hand to under her chin and relaxes as I continue working the tight muscles of her low back. Running my thumbs up and down her erector spinae, to work out the tightness from carrying baby. Claire is mostly belly with just a little added cushion to her hips and butt. Her bump is nestled comfortably into the long body pillow.
"Do you mind if I move the sheet so I can work on your glutes?" I say as I replenish the oil in my hands
"Be my guest." She muses and shifts on the table.
I glide my oily hand from just under her left armpit all the way down to where I had earlier placed the sheet. To expose her left glute, I roll the blanket and sheet down her thigh. The sheet that was tucked under her right hip comes loose and exposes her toned and perfectly voluptuous ass. There's no good way for me to secure the sheet while keeping her covered so I ask "is that okay? Are you cold?"
She shakes her head no and scooches her butt towards me. "Nope I'm just fine thank you!"
With her whole backside exposed, I can hardly focus. I ease my left forearm onto her sore glute and down her thigh, methodically working her muscle while my other hand caresses her shoulder.
Claire lets out another moan. This time slightly louder and she doesn't apologize. I press an open palm down into her left butt cheek. She stretches her head back and smiles "yes, that's where it's sore"
I repeat the glide down her leg with my forearm and then back to the pressure with my palm. As I release the pressure from my palm, I slide a flat hand from her butt, down her leg, inching just a little closer to the inside of her thigh. On the next pass, I spread my fingers wide and again move closer to in-between her legs, just brushing the inner thigh with my pinky.
Claire shifts the pillow between her legs and turns so the front of her right hip is more on the table. This move makes her legs part at just the right angle so I can see her smooth shaven pussy peek through.
She is giving me all the signs I need to keep going with a more sensual massage than we had first talked about. Pumping more oil into my hands, I take a chance put both hands on her left butt cheek, fingers spread, with my left pinky going just to the top of her butt crack and then moving down her cheek and brushing her outer lips.
I hear her catch her breath and then exhale "yes"

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