lil teaser for vox ig (might take down)

646 17 4

literally as the tile says^^^^^ 


also TW: graphic descriptions of violence n' stuff


As the clichés always start, a trickle of blood drops into a larger pool of dark red, metallic liquid. 

A cruel, merciless act was played out in this cool alleyway, down a few corners from the bustling streets. 

There, sprawled across the hard concert grounds - which were dirt-covered with clumps of garbage everywhere - lie the cold, lifeless body of Frank Iero. The sights were horrific - most would become queasy and turn away in disgust from the mangled body.

The man's chest was gutted open, revealing organs and bones spilling out of the place most people would keep them - within their bodies. Eyes wide in horror, the initial shock the victim held was apparent on his face. Gashes and slices along his arms lined up from the wrist to the forearm. 

The most gut-wrenching thing from this mortifying sight was the small intestine dripping out of the victim's mouth, leaving a trail of red and yellow liquids running down his features. His clothes were mangled and torn, showing clear signs of struggle and violence from the other party. 

And who might be the one to lay eyes on this morbid scene? You, of course. 

A few weeks passed after the party, Frank and you becoming closer in a romantic sense, though nothing ever really happened. Knowing you, you were nervous as hell talking with him since you usually weren't drunk. 

Some confusing feelings bloomed for the somewhat obnoxious man, but nothing was to come since it all came to a tragic end. All before anything could even start...


my frank drawing watching me as i write this 0-0

more coming soon i think


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