luca// ???

536 28 9

so it follows the same plot line as the route, but i wanted to skip to after you're dating him cos it'll be cute 

i had an urge to write just be happy abt it


Luca had offered to drive me to work today. We're still new to being in a relationship, so we haven't done much but small pecks here and there. The guys almost immediately found out without us even having to announce it, seeing as how Luca is looking significantly happier and more golden-retreiver-like. 

Right now, he held my hand as he drove. My face was a little warm from it, but it was not like we hadn't held hands before. He would stroke his thumb against my skin every now and then, sending a fuzzy feeling up my arm and through my body. 

We pulled into the parking lot, him getting out of the car quickly and jogging over to my side to open my door. 

"Why thank you, kind sir," I said in a British accent.

"My pleasure, fair lady," He joked back. We giggle as he held my hand while bringing us into the building. 

"Aww, such a cute couple," Nina cooed. I felt slightly embarrassed, so I tucked my head into Luca's shoulder. Which only made things worse. We eventually pried away from Nina and went to the office room to get prepared for the kids. 

/skip to when the kids arrive/ 

We were having a 'morning free time' as more kids showed up for the day. Luca was dragged away by a group of kids who wanted 'airplane' so I leaned against the wall and watched with a smile. I admired the childish grin he had as he played with the kids, it's like he still was one. I felt a small tug on my sleeve, drawing my attention away from my boyfriend and onto the small figure of Timmy. 

"[nickname]," He whined, "Wanna play a game?"

"Sure thing," I smiled before my eyes drifted back to Luca for a second, to see him looking back at me. Our eyes locked for a moment before I was dragged away by Timmy. 

After a few minutes of playing, I felt buff arms drape over my shoulders as a sigh left the man behind me. 

"[name]," Luca whined. I hummed in response. "I miss you,"

"We've been in the same room this whole ten minutes we've been 'apart'," I poked. 

"Yeah, but I wanna hold you," He kissed the side of my neck, luckily Timmy was playing with another kid at this moment so it must've gone unnoticed. 

"Later," I mumbled.

"Promise?" He looked at me with hopeful and pleading eyes.



its short but its smth


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