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'Dinner? What does he mean by that? Like going somewhere to eat? Or does he want me to make him something? Is he staying over for supper? What did I just agree to?!'

"Wait 4x7 is 28? I thought it was 30," Mysta said dumbfoundedly. 


"Then what's 23x3? 'Cause Vox asked me that the other day and I was so confused while everyone else laughed. Even Luca knew and he's as dense as a rock!"

"Pfffffffttttttttt," I let out just to make the fox a little bit more upset, "Here, let's figure it out,"

"Ok," He said solemnly. 

'How can he not even figure out simple multiplication? This wasn't even relevant to the assignment,' 

"So you get one 23 and add it to another 23. Add the tens and ones separately. Like so," I demonstrated on the paper.

"46... 69! Holy shit! I did it!" He cheered.

"Yes! Woo!!" We high-fived with both hands.

But he was a little bit too excited and pushed a little too far...

causing me to fall back, him laying atop me. 

"Surprise!-" Luca, Ike, and Vox called barging in as if they owned the place. 

I looked to the side to see the three standing at the door. Their eyes lingered on the sight of Mysta pinning me down onto the ground. Heat rose to my face as I turned back to Mysta, him bringing his face to meet mine. Our noses brush against one another before he pushed himself off the ground. 

Or at least that's what I thought as I attempted to sit up, hitting him square in the face with my face. 

"Ow! You alright?" Mysta said, looking into my eyes. 

"Yeah..." My eyes were held captive by his caring gaze. A gasp was then heard. 

"Are they gonna kiss?!" Luca called with excitement. 

"I hope. Those two have so much romantic tension it hurts to look at," Ike stated. 

"We do not!" Mysta and I retorted in sync, rotating our heads towards the boys. I gently shoved the boy off me and we separated like two little kids after an argument. 

Shu simply sighed. 

"Why didn't you knock anyways," I pouted in embarrassment. 

"Luca convinced us it would be fine for us to enter as Mysta was already here and your family is out of town," Ike replied. 

"How about a deal? You guys can come in whenever as long as the door is unlocked. It's rather generous of me," I said coyly. 

"You don't have to, really-" Ike was cut off by the overly enthusiastic Luca.

"That sounds like a great deal," He boomed. 

"You guys can take a seat here. I have to talk to Mysta for a sec if that's ok," I offered.

They all complied and Mysta followed me to my room upstairs. 

"Woah... Your room is so cool!" He said in awe. 

"It's nothing special. Anyways, I felt awkward asking this in front of them but when did you want to have that dinner? Since we've finished most of the project, I'm keeping my end of the deal," 

"Oh you don't have to do that, you've already helped me out so much," He said remorsefully. 

"No no. A deal is a deal." I said flatly. 

"But you didn't have to help me. I feel like that's enough." 

"Well... If you don't want to just 'cause you feel guilty... how about we just go for fun? Not because of a deal or 'cause I owe you anything. Just for us, how about that?" 

"Alright. I can get behind that." He agreed. 

We figured out the rest of the details and joined back with the others. 

"Did you guys finally kiss?" Shu asked coolly. 

"Butt out of it, Shu," Mysta said fed up. "Why're you guys here anyways?"

"We came to give you a ride since you live a bit far from here," Ike answered.

The group left with some bickering, but it was all in good nature. I waved them off before letting out a giant sigh. Tomorrow. The 'date'. Crap.

˖ଘ à suivre

this was kinda rushed and short sorry
my brain is not working for writing 


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