vox: 3 (50k special)

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TYSM FOR 50k READS!! HOLY FUCK. i never thought i'd make it <333

to celebrate, I've made a part 3 for vox's route,

WARNING everyone is a bit out of character. 

(pls notice the not-so-subtle hints for my next book 😭)

TW: underage drinking


After a casual drive over to Brad's house, I felt an unnerving chill run down my spine as we entered the fancy-ass mansion. I shrugged it off.

"Hey [name], wanna get drinks?" Mysta asked, sliding up next to me. I nodded as he led me to the bar a few rooms over. I felt uneasy once again, but once I was a few shots down I was back to my usual self, maybe a bit more reckless. 

I worked my way over to the dance floor with Mysta, and Luca joined us not long after. The waves of people pushed us away, me being too drunk to notice where they went. God, I'm feeling this music. What's this song called again? Ohh right DONTTRUSTME... so fucking good. 

"TELL YOUR BOYFRIEND IF HE SAYS HE'S GOT BEEF THAT I'M A VEGETARIAN AND I AINT FUCKING SCARED OF HIM!!" A bunch of people shouted, including me. I began dancing around without a care in the world when a cute guy started dancing in front of me. We did this silent little tango thing for a minute or two.

"Y'know, you've got some good moves," He flirted. 

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself," I smiled, taking in this guy's complexion. He was short, around 5'5 with white almost shaved sides with a black thing in the middle. Like a mohawk but flat and hanging his face. Whatever it is, it's kinda hot. 

(hehe princess fronk^^)

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(hehe princess fronk^^)

"Wanna get a drink?" He asked with a smirk. 

"I'm down, sugar," I winked. (PLS SOMEONE GET IT) 

"What's your name, sweet stuff?" 

"[name], you?" I wasn't too wasted to forget anything yet. I can still make conscious decisions, even if they are a little impulsive and not thoroughly thought over. 

"Frank. You've got a cute name, by the way." 

"Thankssss, oh hey they're doing karaoke now," I said as sparkles rose in my eyes. 

"We should go on together, if you're up for it," He smiled, passing me a drink and taking a sip from his own. 

"Of course, I'm up for it, let's go," I said, chugging down my drink and dragging him behind me. I forgot about the guys as Frank threw back his drink, chucking the cup to who knows where as we pushed through to the stage. We enter our names onto the sheet along with what song we wanted to do. (its taking so much restraint not to do "closer" by nine inch nails)

"[NAME]! Where've you been?!" Mysta shouted, walking up to me. 

"Mysta!! heyyyy," My words slurred, but I was still in good enough shape to sing after a few songs went before us. "This is Fronk- FRANK! Not 'Fronk' hahaga... Frownk, this is Mystia- a shiot whateber." 

"[name], you're clearly drunk and outta your shit right now," Mysta stated like he was my mother. 

"You're not my fuckin' mother." danngggg [name] that was a good one, I shoulda thought of it. oh, wait I did haha. 

"ohhh right I forgot. wait... OH SHIT YEAh I was gonna sign me up for the uhh- karaoke!! yeah, that's it," Mysta's words flowed together, showing he was just as drunk as I was. 

"OH heeeeey shu," I pat his chest, not being aware of my surroundings or what being too touchy is. 

"Fronkity fronk, this is moi frend SHuu," I introduced. They shook hands. Why be so formal?? hadn't no drinks they?? brain stopppp.

"Hey," Shu said flatly, being like a dad. "I hope you have no ill-intentions with my friend, [name], over here."

"No, sir," Frank said like a boy telling his date's dad that he'll bring her home by 10. "Just karaoke and her number."

I looked up at him and he winked, me smiling in return. 

"OHHH yeah that reminds me, SHUUEUEUE.. mother removed restrictions so now I can text y'all," I grinned, making sparkles with my fingers. 

"Alright, but don't be throwing your number around to everyone you meet, okay?" He looked me dead in the eyes.

"Yes, sir," I copied Frank from earlier, us both giggling while Shu was seemingly uninterested. 

"I'm gonna be over there with Vox if you need anything. Be careful, [name]," He pulled me into a hug. 

"Thanks," We pulled away and I glanced to Vox, who was sending daggers our way. 'what's his problem?'

"Alright what a wonderful performance, uhh Gerard. Up next we've got [name] [lastname] and Frank Iero singing Cherry Waves by Deftones," The DJ announced. Yeah, this dude's got a fucking DJ!! Daddy's money really does have some good perks. 

Frank and I ran up to the mic stands, as the song started. 

frank || [name] || both

A sea of waves we hug the same plank
(Saw your end)
Just as I'd rehearsed over in my brain
(Saw your end)

The waves suck you in and you drown
If like, you should sink down beneath
I'll swim down,
would you?

The song continued well, people swayed and danced together. I was too lost in singing to notice the reality of what was happening between me and Frank. I did however notice Vox's persistent glare, which made me fill with discomfort. 

The song came to a close and somehow, we were tangled in the microphone cords from moving around each other too much. Some people had to walk up to help untangle us, which was awkward. 

"You're so good at singing," I gawked as we walked to the side where not many people were. 

"Awe thanks, so were you," He smiled sheepishly.

"Nahhh, I sucked balls. But you can do great things with a voice like that," I poked his shoulder, causing him to chuckle. 

"You flatter me, pretty lady," He joked. I smiled with a slightly flushed face. "So, pretty lady, can I get ya number?"

I looked at the hope in his eyes when an arm was slung around my shoulders.

"Sorry, pal. She doesn't have one, right, [name]?" The familiar voice of Vox said. I looked to face him, seeing a passive-aggressive smile on his face as he looked down at me. 

"No, I do," I accepted Frank's phone and typed in my number, which is now available to call/text. 

"Since when? You told us that you don't have one," Vox cocked a brow.

"Mom just removed the restrictions, chill out," I mumbled, passing the phone back to Frank, who smiled down at his phone and looked back up at me. 

"Well, nice meeting ya' [name]," He reached out for a simple handshake, but I wanted a hug so I hugged him instead. "This is better than a handshake."

I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me as well. I heard a scoff from Vox, but I shrugged it off and let go of Frank. 

"See ya, Frank," I called.

"I'll text you later," He said while walking away, waving as he did so. 

I turned to face an overly upset Vox. 

"What's your problem?" I asked somewhat sassily. 

"It's nothing," He muttered, turning towards the other guys as we walked back to them together. 


sorry theres not much vox but i love frank sm... and gerard... UHM- anyWAYs,, hope u enjoyed this lil continuation of vox's route


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