"Lets go." He mumbled between the kiss.

I stood up and followed him out the door. As usual we checked to make sure no one was watching and walked out to the car park.

We got into Dylan's Audi and drove off. There wasn't any point asking him where we were going because I recognized the route. We're going to his place where only 'special people can go'.


"You want anything?" Dylan asked, going to the fridge.

"What you got?" I was genuinely thirsty and needed something to drink.

"Pepsi, red wine, WKD and water." He listed out.

"Red wine!"

"Coming right up." He took the bottle out the fridge and took out two wine glasses before pouring the red liquid in.

I sat down on the sofa and scanned around. Everything was so clean and tidy! I just wanna stay here forever.

Dylan came and sat down next to me and gave me my drink.

"Thanks." I smiled and took a sip.

"Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years time?" I asked, looking at him with full curiosity.

"I don't know... Maybe be successful in business terms. And personal life wise... I don't really have a clue." He answered, taking a sip of his wine.

"Do you not see yourself with a family? I'm not talking about me I'm saying that it could be with anybody." I clarified.

"I don't know... I haven't really thought about that..." He looked at me and at that moment we both got lost. I placed my glass and Dylan's glass down on the coffee table and straddled his lap. He looked up at me in awe. I leaned in and kissed him.

Dylan laid us down and we ended up being in a heated make out.

"Let's go upstairs." I whispered to him.

He grinned against my lips and heaved himself off me. We both ran up the stairs and into the bedroom. He went to the stereo to put some music on and I looked around the room. I seen a door that I had never noticed before.
I felt drawn to it so I walked towards it.

I opened the door and... Holy fuck I wasn't expecting this.

"Selena don't go in-... There. And it's too late." He mumbled the last bit.

I walked towards the wall with loads of drawings on. They were pictures of me. I was shocked that he could draw me but more shocked by the fact that he fucking draws!

"Dylan these are amazing!" I complemented.

"Thanks..." He sounded down and I furrowed my eye brows. I slowly turned around and seen he looked a little... Embarrassed?
I walked over to him and hugged him.

"The drawings are gorgeous... And I want you to do something..." I whispered in his ear, purposely breathing warm air on his ear as I spoke.

"W-what?" He asked.

"I want you to draw me... On the bed with just the sheets covering me." I said seductively and pulled back.

"Okay." He sounded hypnotized.

"Okay?" I asked just to make sure he was understanding what I was asking him to do.


I kissed him one last time before walking out the room and walking to the on suite bathroom. I striped down and wrapped one of the fluffy dressing gowns around me.

Student Of The Year (Dylena Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now