Bathtub Pallet.

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Regressed Nick.

Nick felt hurt. While he did push himself away it hurt more when others didn't even try to include him. He felt that maybe this was better. That they didn't want him, but he still felt hurt.

His brothers had left for the day to go see their friends so Nick stayed home alone. He wanted to tag along, but they had already left without waiting or even asking if he wanted to. So he sat alone in his room snuggled up with his stuffed animals as the day went by.

Everything was too quiet for him. He shifted uncomfortably, wishing to hear his brother's voices, but he couldn't. He tried calling them, but it went straight to voicemail.

He couldn't take it. He grabbed his things and went to the bathroom and made a pallet in the tub. His blankets covered the tub as his stuffies piled in. He always did this when he got too overwhelmed. The bathroom was a good place to go to when he felt upset.

Before settling himself down he ran and got his pacifier out of his dresser where he always hid it. He set his phone up on the side of the tub, playing some of their old YouTube videos to hear their voices. It helped him a lot as he felt himself feel more relaxed and small. He felt protected.

He just wished he could find a way to open up to them more about this side of him so they could baby him and give him more of their attention.

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