The Bunny Trap.

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Regressed Chris.

Slight cussing.

Nick threw his hands forward trying desperately to aim the ring around the toy ducks head. He was determined to win the stupid fair game and take home a bunny.

He had originally never thought of taking one of the bunnies home, but Chris' face said it all.


Chris jumped in glee and practically tripped everyone around him as he tried to get his brother's attention.

"Bunny! BUNNY! BUNNY!" He shouted, getting louder every time he repeated himself. Matthew tried to calm him down, telling him they couldn't take home a bunny. They had many things on their plate and a bunny would have just made things more difficult for them. Nick tried butting in, agreeing with Matthew, but Chris was not having it. He wanted a bunny! He wanted one now! He skipped over to the small arena where people gathered, trying his best to squeeze in and look at the bunnies on show.

Matthew and Nick sighed, rolling their eyes as they followed behind him. "Matt, don't fall for his trap. No bunny." Nick grabbed his wrist, "we can't keep spoiling him, you know?" Nick sighed. Matthew jerked his hand away, "I already know this. No bunny, understood." He chuckled, "c'mon let's go get him before he gets in the cage with them." They joked.

As they approached him, Nick saw Chris's baby face, staring directly at a black and white bunny. His mouth slightly opened as he tried to stick his fingers in the gate to pet it. He giggled as the bunny nibbled his finger. The head man, an older guy, walked up, "Do you wish to play?" He smiled offering a ring to Chris. Chris frowned, he didn't have any money on him and he knew his daddies would get onto him for saying yes.

The man got the hint and retracted his arm before going over to a little girl to offer her to play. Chris rubbed his eyes. He really wanted one.

Nick poked Chris in the back with his knee lightly, "c'mon baby, we gotta go get on more rides before the fair closes." Nick sighed. Chris made Grabby hands and Nick picked him up, kissing him on the forehead. They received many awful looks, but they ignored the peering eyes.

"Nick?" Matthew sighed, Nick knew what was happening. Matthew always had a soft spot for Chris. "Matt no." Nick rolled his eyes. "Remember no bunny!" Nick glanced back. Matthew nodded.

As they tried walking out of the arena Chris began crying again, kicking his feet, and sobbing into Nick's neck. "Baby calm down." Nick rubbed his back. "I want a bunny!" He cried out, "please, please? I'll be good! I promise! I'll be good!" He pleaded.

It broke them more. He had done nothing wrong, he wasn't in trouble, they just didn't think they were ready for a new pet yet. They equally tried to ignore his cries and tried avoiding getting a bunny, almost considering going home early, but his words got the best of them. They knew that when he wasn't regressed it would still be his and his responsibility so it took some of the stress off of them, but they also had to consider that they would have to also help out if they followed along into his trap.

With thought Nick turned around and gave Chris to Matthew. Matthew happily took Chris into his arms, letting him cuddle into his chest as Nick took his wallet out.

Matthew was speechless at how fast Nick gave it. Almost citing all the times Nick had told him that HE was the one who spoiled Chris, but look what he was doing!?

"We're getting a fucking bunny." Nick told them.

They ended up taking home two bunnies.

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