Sakurai x Reader

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Third person POV

Sakurai's eyes wandered around the gym and landed on the familiar looking girl, her beautiful soft (H/L) (H/C) hair that he wanted to run his fingers through all day, your perfectly shaped lips, and kind (E/C) eyes that he would get lost in.

"Heh, who's that?" Asked a deep voice snaping him out of his thoughts and Sakurai blushed "n-nobody" he mumbled embarrassed

He looked up to see Aomine who had a smirk on his face "that's not nobody you where staring at her" he said (A/N: wuuut is this a fake video??!! Ahomine at practice??!!)

Sakurai looked down "o-okay okay! She's (L/N) (F/N)" he said and Aomine's smirk grew "oooh, you like her don't you?" He said and Sakurai blushed

"E-eh! No! Okay... Maybe... Okay! I l-like her" he stuttered and he was blushing all the way to his cute little ears

"Confess" said Ahomine and Sakurai's eyes widened "what! Sumimasen! But I can't do that! She's going to reject me!" He said with a frown

Aomine sighed "do it before someone else does. A babe like her isn't going to wait around for some apologetic mushroom like you" he said and Sakurai nodded

"Sumimasen, Maybe your right. U-um Aomine-kun sumimasen, but I-I don't know how to confess..."said Sakurai shyly and Aomine smirked

"Just ask tell her you like her and go from there" Said Aomine and Sakurai nodded and decided to figure something out

*After morning practice*

Sakurai decided to ask for a girls opinion and asked Momoi from advise, since she was friends with you she helped him out

Sakurai walked down the hall and spotted you. He took a deep breath and began walking towards you

He stopped half way and turned around "I can't do this" he said with a pout but Aomine and Momoi blocked him "you can do it!" Said Momoi and Aomine nodded "just think about all the dirty things you can do once y-"

"Dai-chan!" Yelled Momoi as she slapped the back of Ahomine's head. Sakurai bowed "sumimasen!" He said while bowing repeatedly he turned to your direction "sumimasen, (Y/N)-"

Momoi and Aomine sighed and pushed Sakurai into you


You where walking to your class when suddenly someone crashed into you causing you and the person to fall to the ground

"Ittai!" You said and your eyes widened when you saw Sakurai on top of you, the closeness of his face causing your face to heat up at the sight of your crush so close to you

Sakurai relised the position he was in and got up almost instantly "sumimasen! Sumimasen! Sumimasen! Sumimasen (L/N)-Chan! Sumimasen for being born! Sumimasen for living! Sumimasen!" He apologized and bowed at a rapid speed

You got up and giggled "its okay! It was an accident" you said and he stopped bowing

"Is there something you wanted? I heard you call my name" you asked tilting your head to the side

He remembered what he came to do and blushed "sumimasen but I-I like you (L/N)-Chan! p-p-please be my g-girlfriend!" He stuttered

Your eyes widened at his question and you blushed "thats great! I like you too! Please take care of me Ryō" you said with a cute giggle and pulled him by the coller for a light peck on the lips

Sakurai blushed a dark shade of red and fainted. A stream of blood dripped down from his nose, Aomine and Momoi face palmed

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