Brett would really like to oppose that idea, like, literally right now.

Based on the extracted parts from the book, along with the understanding Brett has, thanks to their years of friendship. It is almost possible for Brett to write a little biography titled "Eddy's crush and his feelings."

However, here's the point.

Eddy's actions don't make sense at all.

And this is what Brett decides to analyze, and, hopefully, resolve first. His feelings can wait.

Aside from the light yellow colouring on the book, some places also have handwritten notes, which seems like Eddy changing the subject or scenario to suit himself.

Brett knew Eddy had this habit of annotating books he read, even if it's a novel. He sometimes saw Eddy holding a pen or a marker while reading, but never once saw the notes he wrote on them.

It would be too easy to say that I feel invisible. Instead, I feel painfully visible, and entirely ignored.

There are notes from Eddy written on the top right of the words I feel : like my feelings are.

And there is an arrow drawn from that note to the second part of the sentence where another I feel is present.

I want love to conquer all. But love can't conquer anything. It can't do anything on its own. It relies on us to do the conquering on its behalf.

In this one, a repeated pattern is drawn circling the word us .

As Brett gradually goes through them one by one directly from the book instead of his notes, he starts to think back on Eddy's behaviour since he returned from his trip.

He accidentally ended up staying up late for this and fell asleep on his bed with the book in his hands while having his lights on.

About an hour later, a figure gently opens his door and peeks inside. Realizing Brett's asleep, the figure stepped in and saw the half-opened book. With a soft sigh, he took it away and turned off the lights, but stayed at the bedside.

Eddy stood long enough for his eyes to get used to the darkness, and that's when he saw Brett's furrowed eyebrows.

His breathings are shallow and quiet, just like Eddy remembered when they had sleepovers at each other's house.

He slowly reached out his hands, wanting to take off Brett's glasses while admiring the man in slumber. Suddenly, Brett moved, and Eddy's hand was immediately back at his side. His breathing stopped for a moment as well.

Fortunately, Brett didn't wake up. He slightly adjusted his position for better access to his pillow and even snuggled a bit into it. His skewed glasses are now on the brink of falling off.

Eddy heaved a sigh, and with his hands covering his chest as if protecting something, he pondered a bit on removing the glasses, but then, as if thinking of something, he promptly left the room.


Brett woke up feeling something's off.

First of all, some parts of his face hurt quite a bit. His neck as well.

He's also unusually chill.

And his room is too bright.

The first thing he did was reach out his hands, trying to grab his glasses blindly. Which should be on his desk next to his bed, but he failed to obtain it.

When he opened his eyes, he realized it was still on his face. And before he could take it off to inspect, a big sneeze attacked him. "Ahh– Chuuuu!!"

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