Random stuff P1

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The Queen Beast's scientific name is Gigantis Monarchus

The planet the Hero Factory is from, Terra 03, has three moons (yeah, that was from the timeline, my other fic, now deleted)

The animals were divided into more suborders, mostly the ones from the Monster Hunter verse like all the wyvern subclasses, fanged beasts, and elder dragons(take the Dragon Bolt for example). The Gigantis genus is a different suborder.

Elder dragons follow around the exact set of rules as in Monster Hunter. Powerful creatures that defy ordinary classification, documents call them living, breathing forces of nature, they have some sort of control over elements and uses said element (multiple in some cases, depending on the species) for personal uses, such as pest removal, like when the Dragon Bolt charred a Brain parasite climbing on its neck by electrically charging the air around it.

Also like MH, the black dragon is a symbol of disaster and my AU's Von Nebula used them as inspiration for his armor motif to drive home the point of who he is and what he's going to do.

Next parts should hopefully not have so many stuff that involves Monster Hunter.

Next parts should hopefully not have so many stuff that involves Monster Hunter

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