The notebook has a hardcover, which is rare in Brett's opinion. With a black book spine covering almost a quarter of the front, the rest is in soft orange or softwood colour if you ask Brett. Not to mention it's quite thick as well, easily 300 pages or more.

A tilt of the head tells Brett this is probably not a notebook but a book.

Golden embroidery spelled "levithan every day" on the book spine.

"Is this the book Eddy's reading?" Brett thought to himself. Taking a mental note to search for it later, hopefully finding a topic to catch Eddy's attention.



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It was almost 2pm when  Brett walked past the Victoria Bridge. He has a bit of time left before  meeting up with a classmate on campus, so he decides to go to a  bookstore on the way.

"Excuse me, do you have a book called 'every day' here? The author's name is Levi- or something..."

After  wandering in the not-so-big but big enough shop for 20 minutes, Brett  decides to ask for help. Maybe his vision is worse than he thought.

"Hi,  let me look it up for you." It's a girl around the same age as them at  the counter, probably doing a part-time job here in the summer.

"Thank you, it's 'every day', two words, and the author, sorry I couldn't remember the full name, but it's 'l-e-v-i' something."

"O—kay~" The girl is apparently very skillful at her job, quickly typing away at the computer.

"This  book is published in the US just last August; we don't currently have  it as it takes about 6 months before new books come to Australia."

"Oh, okay, thank you anyway."

"It  will probably come in around next month — early March perhaps. Do you  want to make a reservation? We can text you when the book arrives if  you'd like?"

"Well, sure."

Even though Brett isn't sure if  he really wants to buy a book he has no idea what it's talking about;  also Eddy already has the book, but what if he still didn't get a chance  to talk to Eddy before that?

"Cool, please write your first name  and phone number here, and we'll text you when the book is here." A  piece of paper was handed to Brett; he glanced at his watch as he  scribbled down his information.



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