You: Harry was glad that his baby brother wasn't in the car. He'd already been dropped off at home and he hated it when he had to hear his stepbrother fight with his real parents. He hated to put him through that. "Cock. That's what's gotten into me. Lots of cock." He was kidding of course but it would just be hilarious to hear what he had to say about it. "I got the tattoos and pericings because I wanted to, and don't worry. Used my own savings account so you don't have to worry about me using your money, Liam." He refused to call him his dad. No matter how many times he was asked. He didn't do it.

Stranger: Liam only glanced over at Harry, with a stern face. Poor Harry would be grounded for as long Louis remembered about it. "It's dad to you, not Liam." He said sharply, quickly but carefully parking into the garage before he waited for Harry to get out first. He didn't trust the teenager. Theo and Louis were just watching the telly, because dinner was ready if anyone wanted it, and the two were finished already. Pretty good news. Liam was the first one to enter the house, and of course, Louis made sure to stick a note to Harry's bedroom door to tell him to clean his room up.

You: "Sorry Liam." Harry replied, getting out and slamming the door behind him. He pushed past Liam, managing a little smile and wave at Theo so he thought that things were okay. He made his way up to his room, groaning at the note. He went ahead and got started, just to make them a little less pissed off at him. He only left the room to take trash to the kitchen or dirty clothes to the laundry room. He had to pass them every time but he was careful not to speak or make eye contact with any of them except Theo. He just kept smiling at him, which made the baby boy giggle. At least someone in the house liked him.

Stranger: Honestly, Louis didn't know what was going on with Harry. She knew that her and Liam were a bit harsh on him, but he got himself into trouble all the time. It was tiring. "Eat dinner, I left it in the kitchen for you. Just reheat it." Louis spoke up, whilst cleaning her glasses because Liam had the need to touch them with his filthy fingers. "It's rude to not say anything when you enter a room, Harry. " Liam pushed his words in, to which Theo frowned at, because he never saw any bad in his big brother. He'd play with him and be nice, all the good stuff in him.

You: Harry would have said a cuss word the next time he came down if Theo wasn't in there. He put his dinner in the microwave for about five minutes, coming back into the room while it was heating and making a point to say "Hello!" really loud, smiling when his little brother laughed again. "Hi buddy." He walked over to him, completely ignoring his mum and Liam, lifting Theo up. He moved out of the adults way, holding him on his hip. He gave him a little boop on the nose, giggling. "How was your day today, hm? Have fun at school?" He asked, taking care to hold him just the correct way so he didn't get told off.

Stranger: Louis jumped a little when Harry showed up with his loud 'hello'. That boy would be the death of him, and Liam just shook his head. At least Theo appreciated Harry's enthusiasm. "Mhmm. I took your crisps, 'cause dad ate mine." He said with the biggest smile, bursting into laughter when his nose got bopped. It was cute, sometimes, when Harry was nice to people. But then he turned into this quiet, rude teenager with insults flying out of his mouth.

You: "That's okay, bud. You should have told me, though, I didn't have any crisps at all." He pouted. "You wouldn't like it if I took your crisps without asking, would you?" He hummed, giving his nose a little kiss as well. He carried the little boy into the kitchen when he heard the microwave ding. "Do you want some of my dinner, bud? You can have all of my vegetables." He teased, rolling his eyes when he heard Liam come into the kitchen. He figured it was because Liam thought that Harry might do something to Theo which was stupid.

Stranger: Theo scrunched his nose up at the thought of eating all of Harry's vegetables. He didn't want anymore, his mum already made him eat spinach that day and now he couldn't bear eating Harry's. "Don't want to. Eewww." Theo said, which made Liam raise an eyebrow. "Theodore, you've got homework, don't you." Liam said, and with that, the little boy has wriggled out of Harry's arms and made his way to his own room with a small pout. No little kid should do their homework when they had an opportunity to play. Wasn't fair.

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