Stranger: Louis caught the middle of her top lip between his teeth, to hold back any comments that would come out as inappropriate. "You can move out if you're not a child anymore, can't you." She said simply, and walked to the window so she could open up the curtains, to let light in for once. She took a quick look at the posters that now were covering the bedroom walls. "If I were you, I'd appreciate anyone calling you their son. Now, please, get up. I /will/ drag you out of bed." She warned, tightening her robe around her waist before letting her damp hair down. "And I'm being serious. It's ten past nine already!"

You: Harry rolled his eyes again. He would be happy to move out. Maybe he just wouldn't come home that afternoon. He groaned at the light, burying his face in the pillow before he froze at her words. It had been implied but she'd never actually said it to his face before. He sat up, throwing the covers off of his body so every tattoo and every piercing was exposed for her to see. "What the fuck is /that/ supposed to mean?" He snapped. He couldn't help it. She'd touched a nerve. "'I'd appreciate anyone calling you their son'? What the hell, Mum?"

Stranger: Louis wasn't sure whether to listen to her son, or to look at all the awful tattoos and piercings that he somehow got. She wasn't aware. "Don't swear at me. I'm your mum, have some respect." She spoke back, shaking her head. The question that Harry asked remained unanswered. "Take out all those piercings and don't show me these tattoos. You're seventeen, for godness sake. Get a grip, and off to school." Louis shrugged as she spoke, and looked at the mess that was scattered across the floor. "You won't be leaving the house after school. I'll even pick you up. This room will be spotless."

You: "Why should I have any fucking respect for you when you don't have any for me?" Harry answered, shaking his head as well to mock her. He just rolled his eyes and finally got up, throwing on his ripped skinny jeans and stuffing his feet into his boots before getting dressed the rest of the way, hiding his messy hair in a beanie. He figured he would go just to shut her up but leave before she could come and get him. He'd done it before. "Yeah, okay." He chuckled. "This room will be spotless if you clean it." He grabbed his bag and stood there, just looking at her. "Well? I thought we were going?" He imitated her voice as she just stood there.

Stranger: "Because I'm your mum - it's basic respect. Don't talk back!" Louis raised her voice at Harry, just looking at him when he mimicked her. "Very mature for a seventeen year old. You won't be leaving your room after school until you clean your room up. I'm not your maid." She spoke under her breath, jaw slightly tensing at her sons stoping imitations. "Go have breakfast. I'll go get dressed. Don't you /dare/ to leave the house without me. Brush your hair and teeth, you filthy boy." Louis added, and left Harry's room to go to her own one and get dressed.

You: Harry rolled his eyes, wanting to say something but that would be too rude so he just kept his mouth shut. "Yeah, okay." He chuckled, shaking his head. That was funny. He wouldn't be leaving his room, sure. "Hm. Maybe I will and maybe I won't." He shrugged, making his way down the stairs. He did take care to brush his hair out with his fingers, feeling very self-conscious after she said that. He bit his lip really hard, brushing his teeth before grabbing himself a banana for breakfast. "C'mon, Mum, you're making me even later!" He shouted up the stairs after she hadn't come down for two minutes.

Stranger: Louis did that half shut eye roll because Harry was getting on her nerves, it was obvious. Just when Harry shouted for her after two minutes, she groaned quietly to herself. "Drive the car out of the garage for me!" She shouted back, rushing her clothes on, and not bothering with putting makeup on. Actually, she didn't trust Harry in her car alone. Good job she had her keys in the fridge, so she went downstairs to get them from there. "I want you to ask your teachers if a meeting with them would be fine." She said, whilst putting her shoes on, keys between her lips.

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