"Hamish, you told us all that Divina was your true mate. Why would you mate another instead of waiting?" Garret growls, scales rippling up his arms. I motion him over to me, taking his hand as he sits and the scales recede.

"Father was sick, you were spiraling, he needed one of us mated to take the throne. Gregory and Francis were too irresponsible for him to consider them. I hadn't found my mate and I saw what it was doing to you. I didn't want that. I didn't want to be King either, but what choice did father have but to play on my fears of going feral? He convinced me to take a chosen mate. Once I selected Divina, he had us appointed King and Queen. I found Adele twelve years ago. We have kept our relationship secret. I had an understanding witch cast a spell, so I could be with Adele without Divina feeling the pain of betrayal when we were together intimately. We were discreet. Divina has no idea." His voice is hoarse with emotion. "Divina and I have been together a long time. She is my best friend. But Adele is my true mate. I love her more than anything. I can't let Garret have her, regardless of whatever she's done."
"That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? Exactly what have you done Adele?" I muse, eyeballing her. Adele swallows hard.
"It was mainly just running interference. Not passing on information and leads. Sending trackers to the wrong areas. The times your mates called, was when my mate was with me. So he heard what you said when you rang. I couldn't cover it up. It was bad luck he walked in when you first rang about them being on our territory." She sniffles.
"Ok, next question, why?" I ask bluntly.
"Hamish never wanted to be King. We want to be together but with Divina sworn in as Queen, we can never truly be free, nor entwine our souls. I don't have an anchor and Divina is only a partial anchor. Just enough. The vampires promised if I did my part, they would see to it Hamish was dethroned. As a common man, he could denounce his claim on Divina and take me as his mate. They promised to spare our lives. You don't understand the torture of having your true mate right there and never being able to claim him." Adele erupts into sobs.
A tiny part of me feels sorry for her. It's a shit position for her to be in. But there were other ways. Her role in this delayed my mates finding me. That part will not be so forgiving.
"Are you still feeding them intel?" I ask at last.

"I stopped when I heard Garret found you. That you were his." She says, shaking her head. "I was going to get Hamish to approach Garret and see if he would take his rightful place as King, now that he was anchored. But Hamish said Garret had left the territory. I was just waiting for him to rear his head again so I could proceed."

"And how does the missing Oracle fit into this?" I muse.
Adele's eyes go wide.
"I d-don't know." She stammers. My eyes narrow as I taste the lie. I stand up and she runs. I am on her in a second, pinning her to the wall. Vines shoot out of my clothing, assisting in restraining her. Garret's presence comes up behind me.
"We are mated now. See if you have control over her dragon." He whispers in my ear. I nod and unfurl my power. Letting it infuse my voice.
"Adele, where is the Oracle?" Her eyes bug out and she breaks out in a sweat.
"In the dungeon wall. I buried her in the wall!" She bites out.
"Why!" I demand, trying not to be unnerved by the white and aqua scales rippling up my arms.

"She had a vision, a prophecy! I couldn't have it getting out." Adele cries.

"Why not?" I growl.
"Because then they would all protect you. The fated ruler of all races and the vampires would stop at nothing to take you down. Garret would be destroyed if you died and Hamish would have to stay on the throne."
I release her, letting her sink to the ground in tears as I lean back into Garret's arms. Can't say I saw that bombshell coming.

I look at the ceiling and curse the powers that be.

"We need to find that Oracle. She needs to come up with a new prophecy. I don't want the job." I say to Garret.
"I don't think it works like that Angel," Garret whispers back, kissing the side of my head.
Well, that's a head job and a half.
If you want me to lead warriors to battle, I'm your girl. If you want me to be responsible for all the supe races??
Shit! What are they thinking? I can't even keep a house plant alive!
"It's gonna be alright, you got this." Garret tucks me under his arm.

Yeah, we will just see about that.

I don't 'got' this.
I don't even want this.
I respectfully decline.
The Fates can kiss my ass!

And this is where we stop for book one. Lots of fun to be had in book two, lots more sexy time, there's so many mates now, so group activities will be had ;)
Still gotta take out that vamp king and unite the races, find that damn oracle too,, she got some explaining to do. So yeah, onto the next. Hope you all enjoyed book one.
Vote it up if you liked it :)

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