"This asshole's got your missing jacket," he commented, looking at me with a serious expression.

"Maybe that's because I lent it to him, you dumb ass! Put him down!"

"You've been on edge all day, Gracie. What's gotten into you?" Molly asked. She was stepping closer and closer to me, until finally I just snapped.

"All of you just fuck off. Derek, leave him alone. We're going now." A smirk made it's way onto Molly's lips as I reached for Shawn's hand.

"I thought you didn't swear."

"I thought you were a semi-good person."


"Up yours, Molly."

"My pleasure."

The conversation took a sour turn. I was screaming at this point and Molly was trying to contain her giggles. And then I got frustrated- and before I knew it there was a loud cracking sound erupting from Molly's face.

Derek was looking at me, dropping his grip on Shawn before rushing over to me, shoving me away from his girlfriend with a firm line across his face.

I had punched her- straight in the nose. Blood splattered on my hand, knuckles full of proof for what I'd done. And when her body flew to the ground I didn't feel sorry about hurting Molly at all.

It was when I saw Shawn's face- that's when I felt sorry. He looked fucking terrified of me. And all I could do was look between him and the girl being protected, shaking my head and holding my hand close to my chest because I didn't want him to be scared of me. Shawn carefully rose a shaky hand to return my jacket back to me. He wouldn't look me in the eye.

I was doing it for him- I was protecting him and that's the reason I hit her!

"Miss Adler," the voice of my English teacher filled my ears. I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath. "I'll escort you to the Principal's office."

When I arrived to the Principal's he wanted me to say sorry. "But I'm not sorry." I admitted, my eyes dull and lifeless as he handed me a rag to clean the blood off my knuckles.

"Well you should still apologize- whether or not you're sorry is out of the question. You should be sorry. I didn't take you for such a bad kid, Miss Adler."

"I'm not going to apologize about something I'm proud of doing."

"Quite a mouth you've got on you! How dare you talk to me this way, I'm the principal of this goddamn school and I am telling you to say sorry to Miss Dwerryhouse."

"I'm not going to."

"Four weeks detention."

"I liked the feeling of my fist against her nose."

"Six weeks."

"When her blood trickled down my skin I felt relief."

"Seven weeks. You're pushing it, Miss Adler."

"I would hit her again-"

"Enough! Ten weeks."

"Why not make it eleven? I'm a bad kid, remember?"

"Thirteen weeks. Leave my office right now."

So I did. I looked the Principal straight in the eye as I rose from the chair across from his desk and waltzed out of his office, stuffing my pockets with the candies labeled 'take one' near the door. I snickered.

Shawn was waiting for me outside the office. He was sitting in one of the waiting chairs with his head in his hands, clearly stressed and shocked at what I had done. "Hey." I said to him, opening one of the striped mints from my pockets. At least I had my jacket back.

Shawn looked at me with the most curious expression. And then he grew angry. "Are you fucking insane? She could've killed you!"

"But she didn't, calm down."

"This is what I'm talking about- you go out and do stupid things without thinking about the consequences. I hate that about you!"

"Well sorry I'm not perfect."

"Fuck, Gracie-"

"Language, garden boy."

"Don't tell me to mind my language! I've fucking sick of this! I'm sick of you!"

And that's when I broke. My bottom lip was pulled between my teeth as I bit down on the soft skin hard enough it tore. My eyes darkened, the candy resting in my cheek suddenly wasn't as sweet, and my dad's army jacket just seemed to hang off my body- everything was wrong.

"Then leave." I didn't mean it.

"M-Maybe I will."





also this story will be very inappropriate and that's why it's mature (-: but like no sex scenes but there will be mention of sex and drugs and stuff just so you know

uh yeah that's it I guess

this book will be about 10 chapters (it's a short story) and then after that I will be doing my harry styles book full time

but also imagines so
ok peace

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