Pack mentality

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So after a few minutes of packing, they took off on the Thunder quack, flying towards Tokyo.

Launchpad was still bummed out about what happened between him and Scrooge, Scrooge's words ran through his head.

"Hey you ok" but it wasn't easy to hide from Darkwing.

"Huh oh's just I always felt connected with the mcducks, I always thought of them as family"

Then drake touched his arm, "hey everything is going to be alright"

Launchpad looks up at him and smiles, "yeah because I have you guys now"

"Thanks for coming back to us"

"Hey the mcducks maybe clise to me but you guys...are my family; you always have where are we going"

"Tokyo...Abigail thinks she found something about the animal's behavior, something called the The defiant pupil"

"So when we find this...defiant pupil, what then"

"Then we find a cure and fix the animals"

"Good let's get going" Launchpad says as they crash into a mountain that was far from the city.

They hiked on a island, it seemed like it took forever till they found something.

It was a small shed, "there" Abigail says.

They try turning on the lights but the electricity was out, the place was old and looked liked it haven't been touched in days.

"I'll check for a generator" morgana says.They look around and gosalyn finds a bed when the light came on.

"Uh I found some eyes" they turn to see Launchpad, they find a table with jars.

"Eyeballs. Lovely. I'll be sure to add that to my collection" Morgana says.

"I think i know why he came here" Abigail says.

"What do you mean?" Gosalyn says.

"Dr. Robert oz...he came here because of the radiation, Because the animals were already changing"

"But he was already experimenting on animals back in boston" gosalyn says.

"Yes, on changes and behavior that were naturally occurring, But i think here, He realized the radiation accelerated changes
In the animals' biological makeup and behavior"

"He would go to such lengths" gosalyn says.

"Even to the detriment of his own health?" Morgana says.

"It's exactly what he would do. This entire island was his petri dish...The ghost of christmas future"

But then they heard indistinct male voice, it was a old projection video of Robert oz.

Easy! Easy! Easy! Easy!
Easy! Easy! No...

"Is that-" drake asked.

"dr. Robert oz"

But during the video they noticed something in the horse's eyes.

"Do You see that?" Abigail says, "The defiant pupil"

"That's what the defiant pupil?" Drake asked again.

"Just like the lions" Gosalyn said loud enough for drake to hear.

"What? What are you talking about gosalyn"

"When me and Morgana went to check on the lions, we noticed something in their eyes"

Day 47. The defiant pupil has been present for 16 days. I have failed in isolating and reversing the mutations. The horses are becoming increasingly aggressive.

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