The silence of the cicadas

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They all went back to the house, still worked up about the lions.

"We have solid evidence against chlorogene" drake says, "We know those lions were communicating"

"Over large distances" gosalyn says.

"It's not evidence. It's more like a theory...Yes, we have a mutation That seems to be producing a hive-like mind in lions-- Same kind that exists in bees, Some kind of superorganism--"

Then morgana interrupted, "But that's more crazy than it is anything else"

"And it's a hell of a long way off From pinning the blame on chloroprene" Abigail says.

"Well that theory...your theory is at least enough To launch an investigation" gosalyn says.

"Yes we have reason to believe That chlorogene is turning lions into superorganisms...who's gonna believe us...chlorogene is too powerful and has over dozen of lasers and you're just an actor"

Drake thought for a minute then he gets an idea as he looks out his window to see the chlorogene building far from his house.

"No the public won't listen to us...but I bet chlorogene will...let's go girls"

Meanwhile somewhere in the saint canard penitentiary.

Tarsus bulba was in his cell staring at the sky, trouble was brewing.

"the wolf and the lamb shall feed together,
"and the lion shall eat straw "like the bullock,
And dust shall be the serpent's meat."

Then he heard his cell door open he turns around to see the guards armed with guns.

"Tarsus's time to see the warden"

He walked downstairs "and god said, 'let the earth bring forth The living creature after his kind.the cattle and the creeping things and the beasts of the earth after his kind'; And it was so."

"Good morning warden" Taurus smiles at him.

"tomorrow night, you're gonna be getting the there any amends you need to make"

"Hmm? Let me think about it...nope"

"What about that little girl who's grandfather you killed...don't you think she deserves some kind of apology, you let this go and you're next stop tomorrow is in hell...get him out of here"

And as Taurus was escorted out, he noticed through the window...he sees a wolf...then he smiles sinisterly.

"You right" tarsus says.


"It is time I make amends"

drake and the girls were driving to chlorogene, after a change of clothes, Morgana wore a leather jacket high knee boots with black leggings and a red blouse, Abigail wore a Jean jacket with a star design t-shirt black leggings and black sneakers, gosalyn wore a white hoodie Demi shorts underneath black leggings and black boots, and Iclynn wore her favorite blue dress.

They parked the car close to the building and as they walked Abigail pointed out to something.

"Dad look...a bat"

They look up to see a bat flying in broad daylight.

"Ok that's cool" drake says as he didn't mind it.

"Isn't it took earlier for a bat to fly"

After she explains it, it freaked drake and the others out as they speed up towards the building.

"Ok now let's see how owns chlorogene"

But when he got a look at the logo, he got irritated.

"Oh you got to be kidding me"

Ducktales in: ZOOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon