The alien attempted to shoot me with a blue lightning blast, but I only teleported away multiple times. I eventually sighed and teleported back into the air, holding my palm out. "I find you dreadfully boring." With that statement said, the creature opened it's mouth and unleashed a, orange beam of sorts. However, with the simple raise of my hand, I not only blocked it, but managed to send it right back to him.

The creature crashed into the ground, cracking the earth beneath it. Whis teleported to my side.

"You've really done it now." he replied. "I hate it when a creature lacks basic manners," I glanced over at the angel, "Now then, what was I talking about again?" I asked. The distraction made me completely lose my train of thought. 

"Ah, yes, you spoke of some mysterious warrior in your premonition." Whis replied. I groaned, throwing my head back before rolling my neck around. "That's right, I'm just this close to remembering....but for the life of me, I just can't remember. It's so frustrating, like having something caught in the back of your teeth. It's absoutely the worse, don't you think?" I asked. 

"My lord, what of the meat?" Whis asked, referring to the dinosaur before us. I sighed, a small white light glowing in my hand.

"Don't bother. It doesn't look that tasty after all...." That was all I needed to drop the little light. It fluttered delicately down to the ground, sinking into the Earth.

For a moment, silence.

Then, the planet began to erupt in an orange light, cracks appearing on the Earth's surface. Whis and I teleported much farther away, watching from afar in space. Within only moments, the planet erupted into a large explosion, destroyed in mere moments. I watched as explosions broke through the planet, making me smile slightly. Good riddance I suppose. To most normal mortals, this would be a traumatic experience. Countless lives being flushed out in just moments. But as a destroyer, it was hardly in the back of my mind. 

It wasn't always like that, however....

Finally the planet's light began to shine, lighting up a large portion of the galaxy. That's when I saw him. The figure from my premonition. I could see it....the red hair, those piercing eyes....I remember what he was called now....


"My lord?"

"I remember now, Whis. I remember this warrior's name....the Super Saiyan god...."

Zira's P.O.V.

It's been 2 months since I first landed on Earth. Goku and his friends have been more kind to me than I could ever imagine. They treated me like I was family, like I was one of them. I didn't understand why though. They've barely known me, and yet they've done so much for me, without asking for anything in return. Back on Planet Vegeta, I didn't really have a lot of friends. I only ever really got along with my family, so having outside friends was a new experience for me. 

I also grew attached to Earth quite quickly. I tried to become accustomed to their way of living, and understanding as much as I could about them. I've even been trying to learn how to cook their meals. Honestly, it's some of the most peaceful times I've had in my life. And now, something even more exciting was about to happen. 

Apparently, Bulma's birthday was coming up, and she was planning a rather large celebration. Many of her friends and family had gathered on her large boat, which drifted across the ocean waters with ease. It was actually quite amazing. The salty scent of the ocean drifted through the air, and the chatter of happy people around me was quite appealing. However, despite the delightful setting, one person wasn't  all that happy at first.

"WHAT?! Vegeta isn't coming?! And neither is Goku?!" Bulma shouted angrily, looking at Gohan rather crossed. The man could only smile nervously and apologize. I sighed. While I've stayed here, I began to learn just what characters Goku and Vegeta were. Both were stubborn warriors who were constantly looking for new ways to become stronger, even if it meant putting aside their personal lives, such as their families.

That wasn't to say they were bad people. On the contrary, Goku was actually a very sweet goofball. Although, he was often very oblvious to certain situations, and he wasn't exactly the brightest either. As for Vegeta, he was a hot-headed stone faced gorilla, and made sure to keep it that way. That said, he did care deeply for others when he wanted to, especially his family, but he tried not to show it. 

In any case, I wasn't surprised in the latest when I heard they weren't coming. Bulma pouted, hands on her hips.

"Fine then, forget them! I'm not gonna drag them here if they don't want to! I threw this amazing party, and I'm not letting it go to waste!" she stated. I smiled, looking over at the other guests. Everyone was smiling and laughing, the children ran around chasing each other. While the environment was quite friendly, I couldn't help but feel shy, standing on the sides. I've never been to a party before, and I still wasn't very familiar with many of these people. I found myself just staring down at my lemonade glass, unsure of what I could do. 

"Hey, you alright?" I snapped out of my trance and looked up. Eighteen looked at me curiously, leaning against the railing beside me. She crossed her arms across her chest and awaited my reply.

"It's nothing. I'm just....nervous, I guess. I've never been to a party before. I'm not really sure what to do...." I murmured the last part quietly. Eighteen gave a friendly smile, looking out at the crowd. "That's simple, go talk to someone. Strike up a conversation." she stated. I sighed. "But, what would I even talk about? I still don't really know a lot of the people here. I wouldn't know what to say...."

"That's kinda the point of a party. Getting to know others. It's part of what makes it fun." Eighteen stated. I frowned slightly, still a little unsure. She nudged my shoulder, smiling wider. "Here's an idea....pick out a random person from the crowd, and talk to them. Don't even think about it. Just find someone, and do it." she stated. I looked at her surprised. She winked at me, gave a thumbs up, and walked away. I again returned my attention to the crowd.

Okay, pick someone. Just pick someone, and talk to them. That's simple. Don't even think about it, train of thought immediately stops when my eyes catch something unexpected. Vegeta, at the far side of the boat with Bulma. However, both of them were talking to someone out of sight. Bulma's expression was quite happy, giving a welcome smile. However, Vegeta....strangely looked very unnerved. I couldn't help but tilt my head curiously. Is he actually nervous? No, the look in his eyes is rather....scared. Why are they like that....?

That's when two new strangers came from around the corner, finally revealing themselves. 

A tall man with blue skin and tall white hair. Beside him, a shorter purple sphynx cat man. Both looked around the boat curiously. I couldn't help but be curious myself. 

Who were these two?

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