"That seems a little strange that only a few hotel rooms were done this way." I mutter behind her.

"Well halfway through our contract with our other contractor fell and I made a decision for another contractor to finish the last couple rooms on the top floor, so yes, my fault. I wouldn't exactly call it strange more like me being drunk and making phone calls." She jokes and I chuckle. "But don't worry I made my decision about you when I was sober very sober. Mr. Archer has no clue who I've hired and we go way back so, we had a laugh about the last incident and moved on." She turns to a hallway with all the doors open, she walks in one.

"Has my team been here to look over the room?" I ask.

"Yes, they did." I hear a voice that makes me stop in my tracks. Then I hear footsteps, I stop in front of the door in my t-shirt and jeans seeing him in front of me coming to a stop in the middle of the room. "Oh my God." He mutters looking down at the floor.

He looks gorgeous in his suit, and red tie, his hair a short combover like I remembered, my heart starts beating so hard in my chest, like I've just ran a marathon. He looks up his eyes scan over me, I swallow hard, and feel my dick start to harden in my pants. I shake my head at myself, stop you're working. You can't think about this, you can't think, especially about him. I look behind me seeing Camille left the room.

"Felix?" I finally say picking my jaw up off the floor.

"Dom." He says through a cough. He straightens and my mind shuts down like I can't comprehend what is happening. "Your team came by a couple times actually; I gave them a tour and personally lead them to their rooms." He says turning and swaying like he's completely ignoring the tension you could cut with a knife.

"What am I here for?" I ask and he looks over at me. When he sees that I'm being professional and asking a question about the room he starts walking. He goes to his left and into the bathroom.

"My assistant sent you a picture of what the other rooms look like we need you to make these look like those." He says simply, and I look over the room, holes in the walls, sink tilted a bit looks like they used cheap cement to put it in place.

There is big hole in the wall where I'm assuming something was supposed to go, maybe a mirror, wires there look cut, and all of them out of place. They lead to the light above the mirror and there are holes from where it looks like they couldn't even it. I picked up skills from my mentor for everything, people call me when they want to hire someone to get something done all in one shot. I do everything and I can fix this.

"This is botched work, but I can make it work." I say simply.

"Dom, can we talk?" He mutters.

"I can't." I whisper knowing he can hear me. "Show me where my room is please." I ask and he nods.

"This way." He turns.

"Archer?" I ask and he sighs. Every step I take behind him I feel a stab low in my gut, all the memories flash through my mind. All these great memories, just knowing that after everything went to hell is making my heart hurt so much it feels as if I've been shot there. I don't know how long I can stay here but I need money, so I have to try, but if it gets to much, I'm doing what he did. I'm going to run like hell.

"I had to make a name separate from my father my birth name was not going to work." He answers. "I want to build on my own name not his and the people around would see his name on the building and think him, not me." He turns getting in the elevator.

"I can respect that." I step in beside him. I remember how he told me he would never wear contacts, but seeing he has no glasses on I see that has changed. I remember his shy smile sitting beside me as he tutored me in school with his rectangle glasses on his face. I look down at the floor not being able to stomach, the hurt I feel looking at him. I just need time to digest I'm working for him, I'm sure I'll be fine.

"I know you hate me, if you want to leave you can." he whispers. At those words I try my best to shove down all my feelings. Feelings of regret for starting the relationship with him, the feeling of hurt when he walked away and the anger it left me with for so long.

"I am here to complete a job." I say simply with a sigh, the doors open and we are walking through a hallway exactly like the others here pulls out a key card and swipes it. He opens it and gives me the card letting me walk through.

"If you ever want out of this job, email my assistant. Your guys can show you where everything is, they are in the rooms beside you and in front of you." He says and I nod. I start to feel numb; I welcome the feeling letting it wave over me, realizing that feeling numb is way better than feeling him. Or I should say the hurt from him.

"Okay." I say simply and he sighs.

"I'm sorry." He starts. That I can't take right now, I take a step back and shake my head looking at the floor.

"Please don't." I say my heart feeling like he buried his fist in my chest and squeezed it a little, I almost wince at the feeling. "I'm not here to cause you trouble, I will do this and leave okay? Now, I need to sleep." I say my voice coming out harsher than intended, but he doesn't wince. His green eyes meet mine once more and he nods.

"Let me know if you need anything." He says walking away, and I sigh shutting the door. 

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