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Baby girl your making me, a beautiful jewel.

As Ni-Ki was teaching Heeyoung the dance, the other girls gradually entered the room. Heeyoung could tell that the dance was meant to convey a flirtatious message, which made her blush slightly. She diligently followed Ni-Ki's moves and practiced alongside him. Whenever Heeyoung struggled, Ni-Ki would patiently correct her steps, significantly improving her performance.

After mastering the dance steps, Heeyoung and Ni-Ki began rehearsing in sync to perfect their performance. The rest of the members would steal a few glances at the pair since they seemed to work so well together, sparking a sense of curiosity and admiration among the group.

After Heeyoung and Ni-Ki practiced a few more times, perfecting their dance routine, it was time to relax for a while. "Water?" Ni-Ki offered her, to which Heeyoung nodded with a soft smile, grateful for the refreshing drink after their intense practice session.

Ni-Ki's curiosity about his fellow dancer grew as they continued their conversation. "Who are your biggest inspirations in the dance world?" He inquired. Heeyoung thought for a moment before responding, "I've always admired the work of Pina Bausch and Michael Jackson for their creativity." Ni-ki nodded in agreement, adding that he too was greatly influenced by the legendary performers.

The group's manager gathered everyone for a lunch break, prompting several backup dancers to plan a group outing for a meal. They invited Heeyoung to join them, but she politely declined their offer, choosing to dedicate her lunchtime to further practice and hone her skills.

After about 30 minutes, the first member to enter the room was Sunghoon, a dedicated and passionate team player. He jumped at the sight of Heeyoung, clearly surprised that she was still there. "Did you not go out to eat lunch?" Sunghoon asked, his concern for her well-being evident. Heeyoung shook her head in response. "Why?" he continued to ask, genuinely curious about her decision. "I wanted to practice. I'll eat afterwards," she explained, showcasing her commitment and drive to improve her skills.

Sunghoon couldn't do anything if Heeyoung didn't want to eat. Sunghoon just nodded and left the room to meet up with the other members. Once he saw them, he looked at Ni-Ki, "Hey, make sure Heeyoung eats," Sunghoon told him, causing Ni-Ki to ask, "Why do you say that?" Sunghoon let out a sigh. "She didn't go to get lunch with the other girls; she just went to practice more," Sunghoon explained, concerned for her wellbeing and knowing the importance of a balanced diet.

Ni-Ki let out a soft sigh as he opened his phone. He didn't want Heeyoung to be too hungry. He knew how it felt to dance on an empty stomach, so he ordered her some Tteokbokki, a popular Korean street food made from rice cakes and spicy sauce. The group entered the room, seeing that the rest of the girls had also arrived. Now it was time to practice more.

Heeyoung went up to Ni-Ki, but he shook his head. "Sit down. I ordered Tteokbokki for you. Eat it before we practice more," he said, more demanding than usual. Heeyoung nodded. "How did you know I liked Tteokbokki, though?" she asked. It was her favorite food ever. Ni-Ki just shrugged and smiled, remembering a previous conversation when she had mentioned her love for the dish.

Heeyoung followed Ni-Ki's suggestion and took a seat on the floor. As soon as their meal was served, she expressed her gratitude to him for the food. However, feeling self-conscious about dining in the presence of others, she turned towards the wall to enjoy her meal discreetly.

Ni-Ki observed the group practicing the dance routine, their movements synchronized and full of energy. As he sat near Heeyoung, he couldn't help but notice her enjoying her meal, her cheeks puffing out adorably as she chewed. Intrigued by her enthusiasm, Ni-Ki inquired about the food's taste, to which Heeyoung responded with a nod, ensuring she maintained proper manners by not speaking with her mouth full. Her beaming smile, accompanied by her endearing eye smile, captivated Ni-Ki, adding a sense of warmth and happiness to the room.

After savoring the last bite, Heeyoung expressed her gratitude to Ni-Ki for the delicious meal again before disposing of her trash responsibly. Ni-Ki responded with a warm smile, his enthusiasm for dancing evident in his eyes. Heeyoung mirrored his excitement, her own smile broadening as she confidently settled into her starting position, eager to showcase her dance skills alongside Ni-Ki.

Throughout the day, Ni-Ki and Heeyoung, passionate dancers at heart, twirled and swayed in unison, completely absorbed in their shared love for dance. Alone in the practice room, the dedicated duo pushed themselves to the limit, refusing to leave until they were confident in their flawless performance.

Ultimately, after numerous practice sessions, Heeyoung and Ni-Ki felt confident that they had mastered the intricate dance routine. Both were exhausted yet satisfied with their progress, as Heeyoung caught her breath and Ni-Ki shared a light-hearted laugh, enjoying the small friendship they had developed while perfecting their performance.

"How are you getting home?" Ni-Ki asked. "I have my bike," Heeyoung explained, mentioning that she had recently bought a new bicycle. "And I don't live far from here~" she continued, adding that her house was just a 10-minute ride away. Ni-ki nodded, understanding her situation. "Here's my number. Text me to let me know you got home safe," Ni-Ki instructed, showing genuine concern for her wellbeing. Heeyoung nodded in agreement, appreciating his thoughtfulness.

The duo went their separate ways, Heeyoung rode her bike home and Ni-Ki went home in a taxi car. Once Heeyoung had made it home, she made sure to text Ni-Ki, telling him that she had made it home safely. Grateful for their time spent together, Ni-Ki responded with a warm message expressing his relief and wishing her a good night.

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