Boring days

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Some things ought to become more familiar as someone grows older. A noble coming from an influential county should know how to behave as an aristocrat. The noble should enjoy certain things and stay in the line for the sake of territory. They should have petty political fights, try to become richer, look for earning some merit and additional territory for their family.

Cale Henituse might be a son of a noble, but he wasn't part of the stereotype. He was the oldest trashy son of Count Deruth Henituse. He caused many problems, some of these problems are constant growing fear among servants, habit of destroying property, and drinking.

The etiquette of a proper noble was nowhere present within the rebellious man, so why did his father think it was a good idea to send him on such an important event. Cale had to wonder.

"Why would I go? I am not interested-" He started talking in order to refute his father's decision of sending him to some royal event, but a sickly cough coming from Bassen interrupted him. It made Cale realize that his younger step sibling was sick.

'How annoying situation. How did he even manage to get sick.' Cale thought angrily. Where did Bassen even manage to catch a cold? Maybe some reckless servants decided to walk around all sick. The thought infuriated the young man, however there was no worth in trying to find the culprit behind it.

But he really didn't want to see the ugly and annoying nobles like Venion Sten. Just the thought of having to endure looking at their face made his stomach turn.

However, he may be trash- but he wasn't a heartless bastard. He knew that Sending Bassen to the capital while he was sick would be a cold scrutinizing decision. Bassen could end up fainting in the middle of the trip, maybe even dying in the worst case scenario. They could get him potions, but there were no priests or doctors who could actually for sure help him.

Cale tsked at his father before asking: "When is it even happening??"

The explanation Deruth provided was both satisfying and mildly annoying. Crown prince, Alver Crossman, was holding an event in order to find and meet possible future fiancees. All young nobles and future heirs were invited. It was going to be a classical ball for everyone to have fun, but in reality it was still another political event. The main goal of the ball for the most lower and less influential nobles is going to be building relationships.

Deruth mentioned something along the lines: 'I don't think the first prince organized the event.'

But overall that comment was pushed back, royal games weren't interesting to Deruth. Neither Cale cared much about it.

All that was on the mind of the trash son was the alcohol he would be able to drink. It was going to be a boring gathering anyway, so he could at least try the taste of shitty alcohol they would offer.

Though, it probably wasn't good enough to win against Henituse's extraordinary wine.

To someone like Cale such an event held no water. His father, Deruth Henituse, didn't seem to care that much either. The fact that he sent dead weight like Cale to such an event proved his point. They were rich, and considering that their father stuck so close to the family motto, he didn't want to suck up to the Royal family ass.

"I will prepare the best carriage for you. Ron and Vicross will go with you as well. Our residence in the capital should be good enough to stay for a few days." Deruth said, smiling slightly while observing his oldest son.

"The good time to leave would be in two days." The older man got up and calmly asked while approaching the rebellious teen: "Will you come and eat breakfast with us tomorrow?"

"Tsk I will see. I'm going to be busy." Cale answered slightly annoyedly before leaving the room rudely.

The man left behind sighed while brushing his hand through his hair. His invitation was declined once again.

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